Le 30. 07. 15 15:55, afuca@cirb.brussels a écrit :

There is an incorrect translation in French with the validation of
uniqueness of email field (and possibly other fields):

%(model_name)s with this %(field_labels)s already exists.

Un(e) %(model_name)s avec ce %(field_labels)s existe déjà.

French rendering:
Un(e) Utilisateur avec ce Adresse électronique existe déjà.

It should be:
Un utilisateur avec cette adresse électronique existe déjà.

The problem is that the msgid concatenates others msgid in a generic one.
But it creates 2 kind of issues: undesired uppercase characters and
spelling mistakes.

Surely, this sort of concatenations is really a problem for many languages. However, there is no good solution at that level.
I'd suggest two possible improvements:

1. At translation level, we can adapt the text to take this issue into account. For example, in French, the msgstr could be:
Un objet %(model_name)s avec ce champ %(field_labels)s existe déjà.
which would give:
Un objet Utilisateur avec ce champ Adresse électronique existe déjà.

It is still a bit weird, but acceptable IMHO for such a generic message.
I'll fix it ASAP for French in Transifex.

Then, for better results, you can always redefine a unique message in the "error_messages" parameter of a field. See for example how it is done for AbstractUser.username in contrib.auth:


Hope it helps,


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