Hi I'm upstreaming this bug report that was submitted to us.  Is this something 
that you would fix.

*Django Version:*


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. {{timestamp|date:"DATETIME_FORMAT"}} with USE_L10N set as true.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: 22:47
Actual: 10:47 nachm.Please provide any additional information below.
Here in Austria (and likewise in Germany and Switzerland), we never use 12-hour 
times in written text. So the time should be displayed in 24-hour format. And 
besides, "nachm." is a bad translation for "PM", even leaving it untranslated 
would be better (because for a time like 22h, we'd say "10 Uhr abends" (or 
simply "22 Uhr"), not "nachmittags", which is only valid for the actual 
afternoon). But really, we expect simply "22:47".

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