On 20.05.2014, at 22:39, Aymeric Augustin <aymeric.augus...@polytechnique.org> 

> Hello translators and coordinators,
> While preparing the 1.7 release I noticed that several languages have pending 
> requests to join the translation team.
> I've accepted requests for languages where the translation is less that 70% 
> complete, since most of these teams are very small and new contributors will 
> certainly help improving translation coverage.

That makes sense, any help for those are useful.

> If you're the coordinator of one of the following languages, can you handle 
> pending requests? Otherwise I'll just accept them in two weeks.

Please don't simply accept team requests automatically. It's fair to ask for 
coordinators to review the team requests every once in a while, we've done that 
in the past as well. But it doesn't mean that we should take away their right 
to review the requestees' ability to translate. In other words, if you really 
want to get rid of those requests and the coordinators don't respond please get 
in touch with the other translators in the language to find someone to become 
the coordinator. I've done that in the past via Transifex' messaging system.



> Bengali (1 demande d'adhésion) 
> Chinese (China) (13 demandes d'adhésion)   
> Chinese (Taiwan) (1 demande d'adhésion)     
> Dutch (3 demandes d'adhésion)   
> English (United Kingdom) (1 demande d'adhésion)     
> Finnish (3 demandes d'adhésion)     
> German (1 demande d'adhésion)   
> Greek (5 demandes d'adhésion)   
> Hebrew (3 demandes d'adhésion)  
> Hungarian (3 demandes d'adhésion)   
> Korean (3 demandes d'adhésion)  
> Serbian (Latin) (1 demande d'adhésion)  
> Spanish (2 demandes d'adhésion)     
> Spanish (Mexico) (1 demande d'adhésion)     
> Turkish (3 demandes d'adhésion)     
> Finally, if the coordinator of a language you care about is unresponsive and 
> you volunteer for taking the role, please get in touch.
> Thank you!
> -- 
> Aymeric.
> -- 
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