On 10.11.2013 00:44, Vlada Macek wrote:
> Translating itself is not quite a fun work. I believe it's largely
> done by people who are not paid for the work they feel it just
> should be done.
> I humbly think these people comfort should be number one priority,
> not some accurate statistics. But as it seems nobody else sees the
> split as a problem, I can go silent.

Addendum to my post:

The above may have seemed a little harsh or sulky, so please don't take it
that way. English is not my mother tongue.

I have all my respect to all people who improve any community project. I
believe Django constantly gets better in general, thanks to i18n subproject
among others.

Wrote my post as a constructive critics, to offer my experience and point
of view.



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