Hello all,

I'm trying to translate humanize numbers to Spanish and Catalan. I've
have found a hard to solve problem, as Spanish and Catalan uses the
long scale http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/long_scale  and Django uses
the short scale http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/short_scale, so there is
some sort of match for 10^9, and 10^12 quantities, but not for 10^15.

For now I have translated 10^6, 10^9, and 10^12 using correct names
and I have left the others with a direct translation, so 10^15 is
quadrillion in english and cuatrillón in Spanish but in Spanish it
means 10^24

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, but I think that we need a
re-think in intword_converters or make a big warning in the

Antoni Aloy López
Blog: http://trespams.com
Site: http://apsl.net

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