
I noticed that upcoming Django 1.4
(https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.4/) supports Translating
URL patterns

I'm currently working on a project that needs this, but we considered doing
language switching through a subdomain (cs.domain.com/path) instead of the
path root (domain.com/cs/path).

The later looks like the only documented way. And from my not-so-deep
research, translating patterns appears to be tightly bound to path language

Is there a simple way (by adding some custom thin layer perhaps) to do
Translating URL patterns the Django 1.4 way using the language subdomains?


:  Vladimir Macek  :  http://macek.sandbox.cz  :  +420 608 978 164
:  UNIX && Dev || Training  :  Python, Django  :  GPG key 1F059424
: MOJE AKT. SKOLENI: http://macek.sandbox.cz/skoleni/aktualni.html

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