
According to this ticket https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17136,
I found the localflavor module being a very neat idea but was a bit
disappointed with the actual consistency between the different locales
and their implementation.

Also, the difference in implementation makes the documentation
inaccurate and a bit confusing.

I would like to propose the following improvements:

- Widget should be abstracted by the api and fields should always be
implemented. I think that's it's more 'natural' to expect a field
instead of having to mess with regular field, widget and class
attributes. Look at the actual implementation of the BE locale against
the CA locale and it should make my point clear ( CA is the way to
follow ;-) )

- Another point is that I often find myself having to deal with City
and Postal codes database, I think it would be nice to have them
available too but the number of items is quite huge for each country
and I don't know if it's really something that should come included in
Django. Also I have no clue how we can avoid to impact the general
memory usage and performances.

Depending on the outcome of this thread and your opinions, I'd be
happy to help to improve the Be locale and to provide a general
guidelines along with documentation on this matter.

Waiting for your ideas and comments.

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