On 07.02.2011, at 16:07, car...@barrobes.com wrote:

> An additional question to Marc's: how will more than one branch be managed? 
> I.e. it may be that Django 1.2.x is still active before 1.3 release. AFAIK a 
> version maintenance branch may be active for some time and new releases 
> appear when bugs are fixed. Also bugs in translations might be fixed while 
> the branch is active.

Translation updates are traditionally not backported to release branches. That 
said, we've backported *some* changes in the past since they fixed specific 
bugs in technical terms or other code related things. In such cases we handle 
them as decribed here: 


> How can we know which branch we are working on in Transifex? Is this going to 
> become an issue at some point? Are fixes in transifex backported to more than 
> one active branches?

You're working on trunk. I don't think that's going to become an issue. No, the 
translations in Transifex won't be backported to release branches. To make an 
example: The translation updates done on Transifex right now will be shipped 
with 1.3, but not backported to 1.2.X.


> S'està citant Marc Garcia <garcia.m...@gmail.com>:
>> Thanks for the explanations Jannis, and sorry for making you repeat
>> the second part, I checked if you already explained this in this same
>> list, but couldn't find it.
>> Cheers,
>>  Marc
>> On Feb 7, 1:12 am, Jannis Leidel <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 06.02.2011, at 23:48, Marc Garcia wrote:
>>> > as a language coordinator, I would like to see what other contributors
>>> > translated in Transifex. Is it a way to do it? I can't find it.
>>> Not afaik through the web UI, although the Transifex developers could give 
>>> more details on that. I know an action log is saved, but I'm not sure if 
>>> it's possible to show it at the moment. FWIW, you can see the changes by 
>>> looking at the diff using transifex-client.
>>> > Another thing. I would like to know (if possible) how it'll be the
>>> > procedure to update the code from transifex translations, and how code
>>> > changes will arrive to transifex. I don't care on the details, but
>>> > just to know if it's automated, how often it'll be done (or in other
>>> > words, how long it'll take to a change in code/transifex to be updated
>>> > in the other part). And most important, do we coordinators need to do
>>> > anything?
>>> I've answered some of this in my initial announcemnt email:
>>>  http://groups.google.com/group/django-i18n/browse_thread/thread/6bf6b...
>>> But to summarize:
>>> 1. The files in en/LC_MESSAGES/ in SVN will be updated on the day of the 
>>> string freeze at the latest, when the release candidate is released. 
>>> Aditionally, Transifex is set up to automatically sync them every day.
>>> 2. Translation updates made on Transifex are pulled into the Django SVN 
>>> repo prior to cutting a new release or whenever it's convenient.
>>> For both steps no intervention is needed from the language coordinators.
>>> Using transifex-client
>>> ----------------------
>>> Since it was asked before and I'm not sure if I've said it explicitly, 
>>> translators can also use the transifex-client [1] tool to push (assuming 
>>> permissions) and pull translations. It's the same tool that's used by the 
>>> core devs to pull updates from Transifex.
>>> For example, assuming you're in a recent SVN working copy, running this 
>>> updates the PO files of the German core translation:
>>>   tx pull -r django.core -l de
>>> Next, after updating the German translation, you can push it up again:
>>>   tx push -r django.core -l de --translations
>>> Jannis
>>> 1:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/transifex-client/
>> --
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