On Feb 4, 7:59 pm, Łukasz Rekucki <lreku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to the translation world, but I'm a bit concerned about lack
> of Polish translation team on Transifex. AFAIK, the previous
> coordinator, Jarek Zgoda, has resigned. If I understand correctly,
> until a new coordinator is chosen and the team is created, it's not
> possible to update the translations.

Correct, since none of the core developers is a native Polish speakers
we can't review the translations made, so we'll have to wait till
someone does this. The deadline for the previous translation
coordinators to speak up is tomorrow, we'll soon assign new volunteers
to the teams. After that there is plenty of time before the 1.3
release to update the translations.

> So my question is: What responsibilities a coordinator has and how
> much time consuming it is? And what happens if no one steps up until
> the 1.3 release ?

We haven't defined an exact catalog of responsibilities since that was
traditionally left to the language community to decide. Some language
teams have own local mailing lists that they use to coordinate
themselves, for example. The only thing we require from Transifex
language team coordinators, is to "help in team management tasks, such
as approving new members and reviewing contributions to that
language" (from the Transifex docs). I can't say how much time it
consumes, to be honest, since it depends on how many other translators
in the team and how much needs to be translated/reviewed. If no one
steps up till the 1.3 release, the translation will be shipped as is.
I suggest getting in touch with other Polish users of Django to figure
out who is going to fill that role.


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