Hi all,

I thought it would be a good idea to ask people experienced with Django
internationalization to review the latest patch for ticket [1]#10260.

It splits Django i18n documentation in roles/stages in an attempt  to
make thing easier for people when looking for instructions to do
internationalization work on their own applications,a topic that causes
a respectable number of posts to django-users and this list asking for
help with tasks that are described in the docs but are somewhat hard to

I intend to push for this patch to be applied at some point during the
period between the (now near) RC and 1.1  (although it isn't currently
targeted to that milestone) and would be very thankful if I get any
feedback about it that can increase it chances of being accepted.


Ramiro Morales

1. http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10260

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