On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Janos Guljas <ja...@janos.in.rs> wrote:
> Maybe, we could write a page in documentation with explanation and
> procedure how to include different urlify.js script in the admin app.
> For example, trough admin.py, or direct from media folder.
> There is an another solution. For easier modifications in the future,
> we could reorganize character maps, not by language, but by script (as
> in fonts: Arabic, Armenian, Balinese,...,Yi). And provide several sets
> of mappings by type of transliteration. URLField could have an
> optional argument for type of sluging. In other and uglier variant,
> URLField would not be modified, but diferent JavaScript files had to
> be added in admin.py. This way we could solve transliteration by look
> and by sound, and different tipe of Eastern Asian Languages
> transliterations.

I have a feeling these issues will eventually solve themselves once
Django gets its standard AJAX library. Meanwhile, there is definitely
no easy solution for this. You need at least one argument passed to
the function, that defaults to Null in which case the current set of
tables are used.

I don't know how this can be enabled without introducing
locale-related stuff into admin site's forms, which is not too clean a
solution. It's ok for slugify to accept such optional arguments, but I
don't think it's a good idea for JS.

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