> What version of gettext first contained recode-sr-latin? Most
> importantly, is it in gettext-0.15? If so, we're probably fine to rely
> on it, since that's a version that is commonly available for Windows. If
> it only appeared in, say, gettext-0.17, that's more of a problem. We're
> basically saying, these days, that if you need UTF-8 support, you can't
> use gettext-0.14.4 on Windows, which is one of the more commonly
> available binaries. For better or worse, we have a large Windows-based
> user base, including translators, so that audience is of importance,
> too. Compilation of binaries for Windows lags (by quite a few years in
> the gettext case, sadly) source releases.

I wrote a replacement for recode-sr-latin from gettext as python 2.x
script. Somebody should test it on Windows.

Janoš Guljaš <ja...@janos.in.rs>
WWW: http://www.janos.in.rs
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Attachment: recode-cyr2lat-0.1.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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