Hi, and welcome fellow translator :),

On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 5:15 PM, ershadul.hoque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am Ershadul Hoque Sarker (Software Engineer , Divine IT Limited)
> from Bangladesh. I am using
> django for our commercial software. I am very much interested to work
> to Bengali Transation. The people of Bangladesh and the people of
> Calkata (India) speak in Bengali.
> How can do it? I can I contribute django I18N, please inform me.

The steps that follow your decision to subscribe to this list, are
detailed in this section of the documentation:


as you will see it has a link to the internationalization documentation,
that link could be a bit more specific, because the relevant part to
read in your case would be:


altought, reading the entire document wouldn't do any harm as a general
introduction to the topic.

Feel free to ask here if you have any question. Hopefully soon we will see
bn-BD as the 50th translation added to the Django source code tree.


 Ramiro Morales

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