On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 08:05:54PM +0100, Bernhard E. Reiter wrote:

> is there a cloud storage provider for private people that offers a
> few GiByte for a reasonable fee, is a European company that hosts in
> Europe and is very Free Software friendly?

This one
is run by a LibreOffice contributor / foundation board member that I
also know at acquaintance level personally.

He's more focused at providing a hosted "LibreOffice Online" instance
than really pure storage, but since that happens through NextCloud,
you do get the whole NextCloud experience. He's also very open to
requests to install extra NextCloud modules, allow extra storage
space, etc.

I'm also aware of https://tchncs.de/ that hosts all kinds of free
software services (Matrix, email, CryptPad, GitLab and many
others). CryptPad might work for your needs.

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