[[[ Hiermit widerspreche ich ausdrücklich der Erfassung, Speicherung
und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zu anderen Zwecken, als der Zustellung
meiner Nachricht zum Empfänger ]]]

Hello list,

I just watched this very interesting talk by Prof. Yanis Varoufakis about "Technofeudalism and Cloud Capital".


I very much recommend this as food for thought – especially to those, that might think, that just having everything as Free Software might be enough.

Here is also the link to his newest book, that he mentioned at the end of the discussion.[1]

Best regards,

Erik (egnun)

[1] https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu/2023/09/07/technofeudalism-has-just-arrived/

pub   rsa4096/C02662E2370D6F27 2016-05-27 [SCA] [verfällt: 2024-05-01]
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