Dear all,
I want to share our news of the second round of the Youth Hacking 4
Freedom contest. This contest gives youngsters the chance to compete in
a fun way, while also learning more about Free Software, improving their
coding skills, and even winning prizes.
YH4F in a nutshell:
* Participants must be 14-18 years old and should register at YH4F
* The registration is open till the end of year, Saturday, 31
December 2022. httpw://
* Six winners will be awarded again with cash prizes and a trip to
* The competition takes place online. The Award Ceremony is in Brussels.
* The coding period starts on the 1st of January 2023 and ends on the
30th of June.
I would be very glade if you could help me in spreading our call for
participation. All information about the contest and how to register can
be found here:
Let’s make sure that the people in (y)our community will have the chance
to register! Thank you for your help! I am happy to answer any questions
you might have.
Best regards,
Bonnie Mehring - Junior project manager -
Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030 |(
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