On 3/17/22 19:15, Paul Boddie wrote:
On Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:13:28 CET Vitaly Repin wrote:
Yes, FSFE is not a polictical organisation. But what happens now is beyond
any politics. This is a full-scale war which happens now and here, in

I feel that FSFE MUST issue an official statement about the war and actions
of Russia.

I do not know how free software activists and organizations can contribute
to the peace in a more meaningful way than by issuing statements.

But I believe that the statement shall be made as a bare minimum and it
shall be crystal clear.

Silence is not an option.
I agree. I don't think it is in any way controversial to say that we as human
beings condemn this war of aggression against the people and sovereign nation
of Ukraine. And that is a mild statement, in case anyone thinks that it is too

In response to Paul and Vitaly:

I am personally horrified and appalled by the Russian attack on Ukraine and the crimes they are currently committing. It is tragic, and it's something we had very much hoped not to see in Europe in our lifetimes. It's destroying Ukraine, it's destroying civil society and the small remains of press freedom in Russia itself - basically dragging down all that's good about Russian in the most stupid nationalism imaginable, and it's threatening all of Europe. It *is* horrifying.

In spite of this personal opinion, I think that responding to this war is a bit outside of FSFE's remit. I'm not even sure it would be possible for it to make a statement on a non-free software related event, even as horrifying as this one, given that free software is the only area the FSFE is really working on.

I actually suppose everyone in the surroundings of the FSFE is as appalled by this war as I outlined above, but as I see it this is simply not what the FSFE does. RMS once stated that there are many people working on other political causes, against war, against torture, for civil rights, and that such struggles can ultimately be more important than free software - but that free software was what HE was fighting for.

I think something similar can be said for the FSFE. In MY view - others may disagree, and that's fair. It's not that we'reĀ  not all against this war, but *I* think - speaking only for myself - that the FSFE is not the right forum for responding to this.

Except maybe giving all free software-related help & support to the relief effort we could, if anyone has suggestions.


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