Hello Cryptie,

* Cryptie [2021-10-12 09:43 +0200]:
> What do you think about adding scratch ?
> It is a great way for young kids to learn algorithmic and having something 
> fun fast.
> We use it in my association with 5y.o. so they can start fast...
> BUT 
> 1) They don't provide scratch 3.0 on GNU/Linux (it is installable but it 
> requires a parent able to find and follow a command-line tutorial to install 
> it or you can use one of the website providing it and play in a browser...). 
> 2)  it is a modified BSD licence (+/-) to limit the use of the name Scratch.

I am not 100% sure about the best approach. What do you and others here
think about it?

Best regards,

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
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