Hi all,

Today, we've launched REUSE Booster. This is a programme to help Free
Software projects to adopt the REUSE best practices for copyright and

Especially if projects contain multiple licenses or a more complex
copyright history, marking this properly can become burdensome. REUSE
assists with this, providing very simple guidelines and tools. In the
end, you'll have a project whose conditions for re-use and copyright
status are clear and unambiguous.

The existing documentation and tools make adopting these best practices
no rocket science at all. However, some projects might prefer a helping
hand, especially if the licensing situation is unclear. These can now
register for getting help by the FSFE's legal experts here:


The registration is open until 8 July. If you would like to read some
more context, please refer to our today's news:


We are looking forward to your project's registration. Please also
motivate others to have a look at REUSE. Thank you!


Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact and information: https://fsfe.org/about/mehl | @mxmehl
Become a supporter of software freedom:  https://fsfe.org/join
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