On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 07:14:51PM +0000, krey...@rixotstudio.cz wrote:
> ""Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program, and release your
> improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that
> the whole community benefits.""

This is not the wording from the latest version of the Free Software
Definition by the FSF[0]. 

> > so that the whole community benefits. -- Freedom 3
> This is not as GNOME is seemingly intentionally making their libraries
> to work only with their solutions and even trying to make their
> library to break 3rd party software (common practice in non-free
> software) according to the termite project that put in effort to
> hotfix lot of those changes to make the terminal to work.

It is not up to you or the termite project to decide what benefits the
whole community.

> four freedoms are defined from GNU philosophy

For now, the FSF remains the generally accepted custodian of the Free
Software Definition.

> Which to me clearly recognizes the presented situation and why we
> should do something about it instead of making our own rules to define
> those freedoms e.g. https://fsfe.org/freesoftware

Don't troll, please.

[0] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html

Heiki Lõhmus
Vice President
Free Software Foundation Europe

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