Hi Otto,

~ Otto Kekäläinen [2021-05-10 05:49 +0200]:
> I reviewed the Debian packaging at
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/reuse and it looks good to me. Now we
> just sit and wait for it to be processed in the Debian NEW queue:
> https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html

Excellent, thanks for your review!

> If reuse wants to be perfect, please consider shipping a man page so
> users can run 'man reuse' on their system. If the output of 'reuse
> --help' and 'reuser --version' follow normal conventions, you should
> be able to generate a man page with help2man
> (https://www.gnu.org/software/help2man/).

Yes, we already have an issue for that. If someone wants to take a
short, please feel free to open a PR :)



Max Mehl - Programme Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
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