
Am Freitag, 26. März 2021, 20:38:59 CEST schrieb Harald Welte:
> This means unless you know how to access this separate
> IP tunnel used for IMS from the application processor, you would not be able
> to write a FOSS or 3rd party RCS client.

okay, that is a downside. And also that you cannot use it anonymously
without mobile phone number, I guess.

But having any standard for encrypted messenging seems better than having many 
proprietary walled gardens. So I wonder if we should advertise it more, 
despite the drawbacks.

Am Freitag, 26. März 2021, 20:43:28 CEST schrieb Harald Welte:
> Don't expect to be able to digest all of that very quickly.  Cellular
> Networks are known for their mind-boggling complexity.


thanks for your info!


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