On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:37:23 +0100
Jure Varlec <exzom...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> First, am I the only one who was caught unawares by this situation? I
> mean, I admit that I don't read *every* single Free Software related
> piece of news, there's too much going on in our community for that.
> But I fancy myself far from clueless in these matters. Perhaps that's
> why it hurts more that I first heard about this not from some Free
> Software blog, but from my bank, and when it was already too late.
> Second, does anyone know a bank that is usable with Free Software only
> and will serve international customers? N26 was my last hope. Well,
> not *quite* my last hope, I still hope to be able to fix microG so
> that these apps would work. That's what we Free Software developers
> do, right? Scratch our itches? It's just that I'm not an Android
> developer, and debugging an app that is not your own is not something
> this system was designed for, I think. Also, I'd rather vote with my
> wallet and support a bank that actually supports Free Software (if
> there is such a thing) than hack proprietary apps that are (in the
> name of security) actively hostile to such attempts.
> Thanks for reading this far!
> Jure

The people who think they control the world want to move everyone to a
"Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) so that every transaction can be
traced and taxed[0]. If you engage in wrongthink, your ability to buy
and sell will be limited[1].

I recommend the following:

1. Physically visit the bank, look the teller in the eye, and complain
vociferously (yet respectfully),
2. Use cash while you still can,
3. Build a strong community who understands what's at stake,
4. Shop locally, and
5. Pray.


[0] https://mobile.twitter.com/SwanBitcoin/status/1372859090943246340
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