
Den ons 17 feb. 2021 kl 16:21 skrev Bernhard E. Reiter <bernh...@fsfe.org>:

> If we come up with other practical guidelines, even for code, why not?
> I considered the GNU coding standards as maintained by FSFE's US based
> organisation useful
> and a capture of conventions that are still helpful today.

> (Of course, they had a focus, to build the GNU system consistently. Still
> are useful beyond this.)

Yep. Did not had them in mind actually. Yes, they are specific for the GNU
project but due to the nature of this project they are quite "wide". E.g.,
they do not go to the language level deeply. E.g., they do not prohibit C++
developers from using exceptions as some of the coding guidelines for the
safety-critical apps written in C++.

Why not to promote them instead of inventing the wheel with FSFE
standards?  (And without having any "GNU"-like project being run by FSFE?).

> Again our sister has some nice awards: https://www.fsf.org/awards

Yep. Why not to have European awards also?

> > - Educational track. Promote open source as a way to create quality
> > software. Online courses, hackatons with quality as one of the focuses
> Open to be used as educational example of real code is a quality that we
> promote more and get more into education. This is a huge task because
> are many established educational organisations. Anyway a path we should
> pursue.

Yep. I think that we can contribute by cooperation with established
educational organisations and
by organizing event with focus on free software in general and software
quality dimension in particular.

WBR & WBW, Vitaly
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