Somebody did all this while I was sleeping?

Great work!
/The cat formerly known as Garfield/

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Aug 18, 2020, 08:27 by

> On 18/08/2020 09:57, Johann Gross wrote:
>> How can you write such stupid text in the name of the fellowship? I am
>> also member of the fellowship but I do not agree with what you write.
> Thank you for your feedback.  This mailing list welcomes multiple opinions.
> Can a blog be stupid and true at the same time?
> We are happy to be stupid if it helps people use the opportunity to
> understand what TOTALITARIANISM really means.
> Fact: Fellows were never allowed to nominate for president or attend the
> annual meeting of FSFE.  Is that more like democracy or dictatorship?
> Even if it is stupid, which point from the blog is /not/ based on fact?
> - Gemlich letter (1919) and FSFE minutes (2019) both spread defamation
> - Nazis stole artworks, FSFE are stealing RMS's trademark (see below,
> "the framework agreement, as it stands, is not being honored from
> any side")
> - Nazis and FSFE claim and pretends to speak for all Europe
> - Nazis and FSFE both cancelled elections
> - Nazis and FSFE both censored political opponents
> - Nazis and FSFE both made experiments on people (look at how they
> brainwashed somebody after 34C3, more details to come)
> - when Nazis and FSFE can't control somebody, they try to make them
> completely disappear
> Nobody says that FSFE == Nazi Party.  This is just a feature comparison
> that is disturbingly accurate.
>> You really have severe mental problems
> What about volunteers who work for Google(=FSFE) without getting paid?
> Most people find that behavior odd.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: FSF asking us to change our name II
> Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 15:31:39 +0200
> From: Jonas Oberg <>
> To: Bernhard Reiter <>
> CC:
> Hi Bernhard,
> I largely agree with you, but I would like to ask for a clarification on
> this part:
>> I don't see why. We should ask them to establish the agreed cooperation.
> If I take an honest look at the framework agreement, I believe it's
> phrased rather favourable towards the FSF, and a lot of what we would
> like to see -- such as joint decision making on important issues related
> to Free Software -- isn't actually in the agreement aside from an intent
> to develop such a way in some hypothetical future.
> And I can truly see why the FSF believes we are in violation of the
> agreement, at least on parts. Our work on the Radio Directive and other
> policy work I believe is an example of work that according to the
> agreement should be carried out by the FSF, and not the FSFE.
> Our work on standards for cloud services is close to what's reserved for
> the FSF. On the other part, there are a number of activities envisioned
> from the FSFE which we don't do, or never did: operate the GNU Business
> Network, develop new free software, translate FSF position papers,
> recruit more volunteers for the GNU project, resell FSF merchandise,
> and so on.
> So the framework agreement, as it stands, is not being honored from
> any side. What I understand from you is that you think we can push
> more on this:
>  We intend, in the
>  future, after we have gained experience working together, to develop a
>  system wherein these decisions are approved jointly by a specific list
>  of several major FSFs.
> Essentially, our message could be that now, after 15 years, we have the
> experience of working together. It's not been a pleasurable experience,
> but we now know what the current tensions and activities are, which makes
> this a good time to now negotiate what such a system for join decision
> making would look like.
> Is that close to what you intend?
> Sincerely,
> -- 
> Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
> Free Software Foundation Europe |
> Your support enables our work (
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