V F <veronicapfiorent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there anything like

I believe, it would be more productive to ask something more specific — namely, 
what do you what to achieve.

> Many communities get locked behind it and I cannot access anything.

Locked behind what?  If you have not access to a certain ‘community’ (i. e. 
resource), how do you expect a third-party useragent to help you with that?

> a nitter equivalent for telegram.

Nitter here may mean: (a) a piece of software, an HTML and RSS frontend for 
anonymous api.twitter.com, (b) several servers, that provide it as a service 

As for (b), many various SaaSʼes exist out there, including some 
Telegram-related, but I found it inappropriate to advertise them here.

As for (a), I have never heard of one, and I am not surprised of that for the 
following reason.  https://twitter.com is a modern ‘webapp’ written in a clean 
client-server manner, so writing Nitter was a task of writing alternative 
frontend for undocumented yet pretty stable API.  While https://t.me is 
implemented in a more old-school fashion (it is rather akin to 
<https://mobile.twitter.com>), which on the one hand makes it perfectly usable 
without running ad-hoc javascripts in your browser, but on the other hand makes 
writing a client for it an unpleasant task, that requires parsing an output for 

There is quite a few free clients for non-anonymous Telegram interface, though, 
including the official one.

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