Am 30.04.20 um 20:39 schrieb Carsten Agger:
I'm thinking og buying a low-power-consumption...
I'm tempted to go with BigBlueButton - it seems to have everything and
promises to be easy to install.
Do anyone have experience running these things for practical use?
I don't have experience in *running* BBB, but in using and I'm very
happy with this tool! I know lot of video-conferencing systems and have
special requirements, because I'm deaf and for every communication I
need to see my sign language interpreters. BBB is the only
systems/software I found (and I know a lot with more than five years of
experience), with runs very stable, have low power consumption on user
side, runs in Browser (without app), fulfill security and privacy
requirements (including being open source) and is easy to use.
best regards
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