I am not aware of any pan-European efforts, but from a German
perspective what probably comes closest is the "Technische Hilfswerk"
(Agency for Technical Relief), plus maybe the "Bundesamt für
Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe"?


There are other national initiatives/organizations listed at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_defense_by_country .

Yes, there are quite huge cultural and societal differences in how you
would imagine something like this to be organized.

On 07.04.20 18:00, V F wrote:
> https://itdrc.org
> The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) was
> founded in 2008 to provide communities with the technical resources
> necessary to continue operations and begin recovery after a disaster.
> We harness the collective resources of the technology community to
> provide no cost Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT)
> solutions that connect survivors and responders in crisis.
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