Hy Bernhard

> about remote working tools with Free Software, just recently saw
> [..]
> * https://github.com/codimd/server
>   (Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.)
> Does anybody has experiences with those tools?

Yes, I'm using CodiMD quite frequently, but don't have a definite opinion on 
it yet. It is great for its core functions, but I am missing functionalities 
that would allow long-term management of individual notes. Whether the pros 
and cons are relevant for you will depend quite a bit on your use case:

+ Works great as collaborative online pad (tested with 4-6 users)
+ Good support for "extended" MarkDown, so you never need any of the formating 
+ Allows display of only the rendered output, therefore "read only" users 
    never have to see the MarkDown
+ Basic access control, differentiating owner, registered users and world
+ Tagging of notes

- No possibility for fine-grained access control, e.g., specific users
- User interface beyond the editor is very limited, e.g., no possibility to 
list all notes owned by the user (this is different from the history which 
does exist).
- Only a rudimentary API

Hope that helps!

Best, Christian

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