Hi Carsten,

Our company tried hosting our own Jitsi Meet server a couple of years
ago and it actually worked, but we were having many intermittent
problems and in the end decided that hosting video solutions is not our

We sometimes use the free meet.jit.si instance, but we'd be happy to
have access to a paid service if it works well. Currently we pay for
many-user rooms at whereby.com, but that is not free software AFAIK.

Disclaimer: I am employed by 8x8.

While it is neither plain Jitsi Meet (it might have some proprietary
bits mixed in), nor paid, this service is backed by the company
employing most if not all of the Jitsi team members so indirectly you
would be supporting Jitsi development as well:


details here (I think dial-in by phone and screen-sharing is included):


They might be offering paid support for it. I don't know for sure.

 Ion Savin
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