> On Oct 11, 2016, at 1:15 AM, xiongzhiwei <xiongzhi...@baicells.com> wrote:
> Thanks flaviof, As your email thread, I can't use the option 
> "force-reload-kmod" to uninstall the openvswitch.ko.
> The error was always shown " modprobe: FATAL: Module openvswitch is in use."
> My operation is as below:
> 1. insmod openvswitch.ko
>       modprobe openvswitch
> 2. start the ovsdb-server:
>   ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock 
> --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options 
> --private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key 
> --certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate 
> --bootstrap-ca-cert=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,ca_cert --pidfile --detach
> 3. start ovs-vswitchd
>       ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach
> 4. add a ovs bridge
>       ovs-vsctl add-br br0
> 5. remove this bridge
>       ovs-vsctl del-br br0
> until this step3, I can successful uninstall openvswitch.ko and no error 
> shown with command: modprobe -r openvswitch
> but, step 5, the error " modprobe: FATAL: Module openvswitch is in use." is 
> shown when I want to remove the kernel mode of openvswitch, in spite of 
> stopping ovs with "pkill ovs".
> I have found the virtual interface named "ovs-system" with command " ifconfig 
> -a", I guess it is the key of this issue. So what can I do to remove the 
> "ovs-system"?

Killing ovs-vswitchd won't delete the bridges in the kernel datapath.  Are you 
trying to remove the kernel module after all the bridges have been removed?  
What do you see when you run "ovs-dpctl show" when you can't remove the kernel 


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