
Please clarify if port security is required to be enabled with newton
release when installing OVN. The install.rst says it must be. In many of my
use cases I want to disable port security which is how I do currently with
devstack. I would like to know if either ovn or neutron will have
contentions if port-security disabled at neutron server.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <no-re...@openstack.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 6:21 AM
Subject: [openstack-announce] [new][neutron] networking-ovn 1.0.0 release
To: openstack-annou...@lists.openstack.org

We are jazzed to announce the release of:

networking-ovn 1.0.0: OpenStack Neutron integration with OVN

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:


With package available at:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Initial release of the OpenStack Networking service (neutron)
  integration with Open Virtual Network (OVN), a component of the the
  Open vSwitch (http://openvswitch.org/) project. OVN provides the
  following features either via native implementation or conventional

  * Layer-2 (native OVN implementation)

  * Layer-3 (native OVN implementation or conventional layer-3
    agent) The native OVN implementation supports distributed routing.
    However, it currently lacks support for floating IP addresses,
    NAT, and the metadata proxy.

  * DHCP (native OVN implementation or conventional DHCP agent) The
    native implementation supports distributed DHCP. However, it
    currently lacks support for IPv6, internal DNS, and metadata

  * Metadata (conventional metadata agent)

  * DPDK - Usable with OVS via either the Linux kernel datapath or
    the DPDK datapath.

  * Trunk driver - Driver to back the neutron's 'trunk' service

  The initial release also supports the following Networking service
  API extensions:

  * "agent"

  * "Address Scopes" *

  * "Allowed Address Pairs"

  * "Auto Allocated Topology Services"

  * "Availability Zone"

  * "Default Subnetpools"

  * "DHCP Agent Scheduler" **

  * "Distributed Virtual Router" *

  * "DNS Integration" *

  * "HA Router extension" *

  * "L3 Agent Scheduler" *

  * "Network Availability Zone" **

  * "Network IP Availability"

  * "Neutron external network"

  * "Neutron Extra DHCP opts"

  * "Neutron Extra Route"

  * "Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode" *

  * "Neutron L3 Router"

  * "Network MTU"

  * "Port Binding"

  * "Port Security"

  * "Provider Network"

  * "Quality of Service"

  * "Quota management support"

  * "RBAC Policies"

  * "Resource revision numbers"

  * "Router Availability Zone" *

  * "security-group"

  * "standard-attr-description"

  * "Subnet Allocation"

  * "Tag support"

  * "Time Stamp Fields"

  (*) Only applicable if using the conventional layer-3 agent.

  (**) Only applicable if using the conventional DHCP agent.

Changes in networking-ovn

16ab14c Fix for vtep port
8721389 Fix test waiting for ovn-northd to start
cc52860 Update port provisioning block registration
faaa45e Updated from global requirements
1335653 Update .gitreview for stable/newton

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitreview                                        |  1 +
devstack/lib/networking-ovn                       |  2 +-
networking_ovn/common/constants.py                |  4 +-
networking_ovn/ml2/mech_driver.py                 | 42 +++++++++-----
requirements.txt                                  |  2 +-
7 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2650d84..5fc068d 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@
-netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 # BSD
+netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.13 # BSD

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