The Open vSwitch team will host our third annual conference focused on Open 
vSwitch and OVN on Nov. 7 and 8, 2016, to be held at the San Jose Doubletree.  
The Call for Participation is still open, but talks will likely include:
        - New stateful services for OVS
        - Deploying OVN at scale
        - Support for new platforms
        - The future of OVS and OVN
        - Programmable software-based networking

This is the first OVS conference that will be run as part of the Linux 
Foundation.  Registration may be done at the following URL:

The two-day event is $200 and will include breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks.  
Room for the event is limited, so please register early.  Talks will be 
recorded and will be made available after the conference. 

How to propose a talk
We've extended the proposal deadline for talks and panels on topics related to 
Open vSwitch.

Please submit proposals to to the following URL by Friday, September 23:

Speakers will be notified of acceptance by October 3.

Speakers should plan to attend the event in person.  Travel to and 
accommodations in San Jose are the responsibility of attendees.  The conference 
fee will be waived for speakers with accepted talks.

More information
For more information, please visit the event page at:

To reach the organizers, email  For general discussion 
of the conference, please use the ovs-discuss mailing list at

discuss mailing list

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