
I'm testing a multiple bridge setup with a mirror port on each bridge. The 
bridges are connected with patch ports. Here is a figure:

  LOCAL |             o------+  patch-in-p3
    --->o    br-in    o----+ |  patch-in-p2                                 
        |             o--+ | |  patch-in-p1                                 
        +-------------+  | | +----------------------------------+
                         | +------------+                       |
                         |              |                       |
                         |              |                       |
                         |              |                       |
                         |              |                       |
             patch-p1-in |              | patch-p2-in           | patch-p3-in
             +-----------o-+         +--o----------+         +--o----------+
             |             |         |             |         |             |
          ---o    br-p1    |      ---o    br-p2    |      ---o    br-p3    |
      m-eth4 |             |  m-eth5 |             |  m-eth1 |             |
             +------o------+         +------o------+         +------o------+
               eth4 |                  eth5 |                  eth1 |
                    |                       |                       | 

The mirror ports are used to mirror traffic flowing through the physical ports. 
It seems that mirroring works for all physical ports in ingress direction, but 
it works only for one port in egress direction.

This is the output of 'ovs-appctl dpctl/show':

        lookups: hit:17 missed:34 lost:0
        flows: 0
        masks: hit:19 total:0 hit/pkt:0.37
        port 0: ovs-system (internal)
        port 1: br-in (internal)
        port 2: br-p1 (internal)
        port 3: br-p2 (internal)
        port 4: br-p3 (internal)
        port 5: eth4
        port 6: m-eth4 (internal)
        port 7: eth5
        port 8: m-eth5 (internal)
        port 9: eth1
        port 10: m-eth1 (internal)

I injected packets to LOCAL port of br-in, these were routed by OF rules 
towards the physical ports on br-p1, br-p2 and br-p3. Before I configured
any mirror port, the datapath had this flow entry:

 packets:63, bytes:4032, used:0.628s, 

First, I configured m-eth4 as a mirror port on br-p1. At this point mirroring 
did work fine in egress direction. Port 6 (m-eth4) was added to the datapath 
flow. This was the output of 'ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows':

 packets:132, bytes:8448, used:0.056s, 

Then, I configured m-eth5 as a mirror port on br-p1. At this point mirroring 
stopped working on m-eth4 in egress direction but was working on m-eth5.
Port 8 was added to the datapath rule but port 6 (m-eth4) was removed. This 
was the output of 'ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows':

 packets:187, bytes:11968, used:0.852s, 

Finally, I configured the 3rd mirror port (m-eth1) on br-p3. At this point 
mirroring worked on m-eth5 in egress direction, but did not work on any of the 
other two mirror ports (m-eth4, m-eth1) in egress direction. The output of 
'ovs-appctl dpclt/dump-flow' was the same as before.

 packets:298, bytes:19072, used:0.564s, 

In ingress direction, mirroring did work for all three physical ports. The 
output of 'ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows' was:

recirc_id(0),in_port(9),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(frag=no), packets:72, bytes:6276, 
used:0.704s, actions:10
recirc_id(0),in_port(5),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(frag=no), packets:55, bytes:3520, 
used:0.848s, actions:6
recirc_id(0),in_port(7),eth_type(0x0800),ipv4(frag=no), packets:48, bytes:3072, 
used:0.752s, actions:8

It seems that for each datapath flow rule, there can be only one mirror port. 
I presume the chosen port could depend on the processing order of output ports 
when the datapath flow is constructed.
Is this a planned limitation or a bug?

Here are the commands I used to create/configure the bridges and ports:

# create bridges 
ovs-vsctl add-br br-in 
ovs-vsctl add-br br-p1
ovs-vsctl add-br br-p2
ovs-vsctl add-br br-p3

# br-in port config
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-in patch-in-p1 -- set interface patch-in-p1 
type=patch options:peer=patch-p1-in ofport_request=1
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-in patch-in-p2 -- set interface patch-in-p2 
type=patch options:peer=patch-p2-in ofport_request=2
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-in patch-in-p3 -- set interface patch-in-p3 
type=patch options:peer=patch-p3-in ofport_request=3

# br-p1 port config
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p1 patch-p1-in -- set interface patch-p1-in 
type=patch options:peer=patch-in-p1 ofport_req=1
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p1 eth4 -- set interface eth4 ofport_request=2
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p1 m-eth4 -- set interface m-eth4 
type=internal ofport_request=3

# br-p2 port config
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p2 patch-p2-in -- set interface patch-p2-in 
type=patch options:peer=patch-in-p2 ofport_req=1
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p2 eth5 -- set interface eth5 ofport_request=2
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p2 m-eth5 -- set interface m-eth5 
type=internal ofport_request=3

# br-p3 port config
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p3 patch-p3-in -- set interface patch-p3-in 
type=patch options:peer=patch-in-p3 ofport_req=1
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p3 eth1 -- set interface eth1 ofport_request=2
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port br-p3 m-eth1 -- set interface m-eth1 
type=internal ofport_request=3

# set m-ports up
ovs-ofctl mod-port br-p1 m-eth4 up
ovs-ofctl mod-port br-p2 m-eth5 up
ovs-ofctl mod-port br-p3 m-eth1 up

# del/add flow rules
ovs-ofctl del-flows br-in
ovs-ofctl del-flows br-p1
ovs-ofctl del-flows br-p2
ovs-ofctl del-flows br-p3

ovs-ofctl add-flow br-in 
ovs-ofctl -OOpenFlow10 add-flow br-p1 in_port=1,actions=dec_ttl,output:2
ovs-ofctl add-flow br-p2 in_port=1,actions=mod_dl_src:de:ad:de:af:be:ef,output:2
ovs-ofctl add-flow br-p3 

# configure mirror ports
ovs-vsctl set bridge br-p1 mirrors=@m \
-- --id=@mirror_from get port eth4 \
-- --id=@mirror_to get port m-eth4 \
-- --id=@m create mirror name=mirror_eth4 select-dst-port=@mirror_from 
select-src-port=@mirror_from output-port=@mirror_to

ovs-vsctl set bridge br-p2 mirrors=@m \
-- --id=@mirror_from get port eth5 \
-- --id=@mirror_to get port m-eth5 \
-- --id=@m create mirror name=mirror_eth5 select-dst-port=@mirror_from 
select-src-port=@mirror_from output-port=@mirror_to

ovs-vsctl set bridge br-p3 mirrors=@m \
-- --id=@mirror_from get port eth1 \
-- --id=@mirror_to get port m-eth1 \
-- --id=@m create mirror name=mirror_eth1 select-dst-port=@mirror_from 
select-src-port=@mirror_from output-port=@mirror_to

The Git commit number is:

The kernel version is: 

Please find attached ovsdb-client dump files.

Best regards,
AutoAttach table
_uuid mappings system_description system_name
----- -------- ------------------ -----------

Bridge table
_uuid                                auto_attach controller datapath_id        
datapath_type datapath_version external_ids fail_mode flood_vlans flow_tables 
ipfix mcast_snooping_enable mirrors                                name    
netflow other_config ports                                                      
              protocols rstp_enable rstp_status sflow status stp_enable
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------------ 
------------- ---------------- ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- 
----- --------------------- -------------------------------------- ------- 
------- ------------ 
 --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ ----------
05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd []          []         "0000000c294619c5" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2] "br-p1" []   
   {}           [02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3, 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388, a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336, 
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2 []          []         "0000000c294619d9" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     "br-p3" []   
   {}           [105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7, 
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f, 59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e, 
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e []          []         "0000000c294619ed" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     "br-p2" []   
   {}           [14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae, 
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763, d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c, 
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621 []          []         "0000f28087be0242" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     br-in   []   
   {}           [0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b, 
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52, a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d, 
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     

Controller table
_uuid connection_mode controller_burst_limit controller_rate_limit 
enable_async_messages external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected local_gateway 
local_ip local_netmask max_backoff other_config role status target
----- --------------- ---------------------- --------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------- 
-------- ------------- ----------- ------------ ---- ------ ------

Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table
_uuid bridge external_ids id ipfix
----- ------ ------------ -- -----

Flow_Table table
_uuid external_ids flow_limit groups name overflow_policy prefixes
----- ------------ ---------- ------ ---- --------------- --------

IPFIX table
_uuid cache_active_timeout cache_max_flows external_ids obs_domain_id 
obs_point_id other_config sampling targets
----- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- 
------------ ------------ -------- -------

Interface table
_uuid                                admin_state bfd bfd_status cfm_fault 
cfm_fault_status cfm_flap_count cfm_health cfm_mpid cfm_remote_mpids 
cfm_remote_opstate duplex error external_ids ifindex ingress_policing_burst 
ingress_policing_rate lacp_current link_resets link_speed link_state lldp mac 
mac_in_use          mtu  mtu_request name          ofport ofport_request 
options              other_config statistics                                    
------------------------------------ ----------- --- ---------- --------- 
---------------- -------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- 
------------------ ------ ----- ------------ ------- ---------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- 
------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ------ -------------- 
-------------------- ------------ 
c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           27      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "br-p1"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           28      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "br-p2"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8 down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           29      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "br-p3"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}              {driver_name=openvswitch}               
4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "0e:d2:b3:87:17:f2" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p2" 2      2              {peer="patch-p2-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=5632, tx_packets=88}                    
9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "6e:22:ea:f0:fe:df" [] 
  []          "patch-p3-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p3"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=5632, rx_packets=88, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                    
93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "96:91:af:c4:f9:31" [] 
  []          "patch-p1-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p1"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=5632, rx_packets=88, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                    
9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "9e:80:d1:12:3e:4e" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p1" 1      1              {peer="patch-p1-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=5632, tx_packets=88}                    
68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "ee:5e:65:e8:72:59" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p3" 3      3              {peer="patch-p3-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=5632, tx_packets=88}                    
c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "f2:29:db:0c:21:dd" [] 
  []          "patch-p2-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p2"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=5632, rx_packets=88, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                    
3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           26      0                      0                    
 []           1           []         up         {}   []  "f2:80:87:be:02:42" 
1500 []          br-in         65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=5632, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=88}           {driver_name=openvswitch}                 
f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           30      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "5e:e4:5f:26:21:8a" 
1500 []          "m-eth4"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=1300, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=26, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}           {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           31      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "d6:61:ea:34:24:00" 
1500 []          "m-eth5"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           32      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "92:e5:eb:75:3c:32" 
1500 []          "m-eth1"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}              {driver_name=openvswitch}               
fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           3       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "eth1"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=68978, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=209, tx_bytes=144348, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1378} {driver_name="e1000e", driver_version="2.3.2-k", 
firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           6       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "eth4"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4577, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=42, tx_bytes=89019, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1217}    {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           7       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "eth5"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=5393, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=54, tx_bytes=84315, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1217}    {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      

Manager table
_uuid connection_mode external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected max_backoff 
other_config status target
----- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ----------- 
------------ ------ ------

Mirror table
_uuid                                external_ids name          output_port     
                     output_vlan select_all select_dst_port                     
   select_src_port                        select_vlan snaplen statistics        
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------- 
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- 
-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 
----------- ------- ------------------------------
1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2 {}           "mirror_eth4" 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []          false      
[a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] [a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=1728, tx_packets=27}

NetFlow table
_uuid active_timeout add_id_to_interface engine_id engine_type external_ids 
----- -------------- ------------------- --------- ----------- ------------ 

Open_vSwitch table
_uuid                                bridges                                    
                              cur_cfg datapath_types   db_version external_ids  
                                                manager_options next_cfg 
other_config ovs_version ssl statistics system_type system_version
 ------- ---------------- ---------- 
--------------- -------- ------------ ----------- --- ---------- ----------- 
51ff0380-15c1-409e-94ee-f2186ea9d68d [05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd, 
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e, 167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2, 
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621] 17      [netdev, system] "7.14.0"   
{hostname=sandbox, system-id="587b1b7c-e78f-4a30-b4ca-c94d9f12ddc8"} [geneve, 
gre, internal, ipsec_gre, lisp, patch, stt, system, tap, vxlan] []              
17       {}           "2.6.90"    []  {}         ubuntu      "14.04"       

Port table
_uuid                                bond_active_slave bond_downdelay 
bond_fake_iface bond_mode bond_updelay external_ids fake_bridge interfaces      
                       lacp mac name          other_config qos rstp_statistics 
rstp_status statistics status tag trunks vlan_mode
------------------------------------ ----------------- -------------- 
--------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 
-------------------------------------- ---- --- ------------- ------------ --- 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ------ --- ------ ---------
a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200] []   []  br-in         {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff] []   []  "br-p1"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf] []   []  "br-p2"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8] []   []  "br-p3"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f] []   []  "eth1"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e] []   []  "eth4"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085] []   []  "eth5"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae] []   []  "m-eth1"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50] []   []  "m-eth4"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e] []   []  "m-eth5"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9] []   []  "patch-in-p1" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242] []   []  "patch-in-p2" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c] []   []  "patch-in-p3" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c] []   []  "patch-p1-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5] []   []  "patch-p2-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7] []   []  "patch-p3-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       

QoS table
_uuid external_ids other_config queues type
----- ------------ ------------ ------ ----

Queue table
_uuid dscp external_ids other_config
----- ---- ------------ ------------

SSL table
_uuid bootstrap_ca_cert ca_cert certificate external_ids private_key
----- ----------------- ------- ----------- ------------ -----------

sFlow table
_uuid agent external_ids header polling sampling targets
----- ----- ------------ ------ ------- -------- -------
AutoAttach table
_uuid mappings system_description system_name
----- -------- ------------------ -----------

Bridge table
_uuid                                auto_attach controller datapath_id        
datapath_type datapath_version external_ids fail_mode flood_vlans flow_tables 
ipfix mcast_snooping_enable mirrors                                name    
netflow other_config ports                                                      
              protocols rstp_enable rstp_status sflow status stp_enable
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------------ 
------------- ---------------- ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- 
----- --------------------- -------------------------------------- ------- 
------- ------------ 
 --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ ----------
05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd []          []         "0000000c294619c5" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2] "br-p1" []   
   {}           [02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3, 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388, a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336, 
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2 []          []         "0000000c294619d9" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     "br-p3" []   
   {}           [105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7, 
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f, 59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e, 
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e []          []         "0000000c294619ed" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [08a2c912-4fe9-4587-a731-dd83e532be9c] "br-p2" []   
   {}           [14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae, 
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763, d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c, 
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621 []          []         "0000f28087be0242" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     br-in   []   
   {}           [0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b, 
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52, a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d, 
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     

Controller table
_uuid connection_mode controller_burst_limit controller_rate_limit 
enable_async_messages external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected local_gateway 
local_ip local_netmask max_backoff other_config role status target
----- --------------- ---------------------- --------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------- 
-------- ------------- ----------- ------------ ---- ------ ------

Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table
_uuid bridge external_ids id ipfix
----- ------ ------------ -- -----

Flow_Table table
_uuid external_ids flow_limit groups name overflow_policy prefixes
----- ------------ ---------- ------ ---- --------------- --------

IPFIX table
_uuid cache_active_timeout cache_max_flows external_ids obs_domain_id 
obs_point_id other_config sampling targets
----- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- 
------------ ------------ -------- -------

Interface table
_uuid                                admin_state bfd bfd_status cfm_fault 
cfm_fault_status cfm_flap_count cfm_health cfm_mpid cfm_remote_mpids 
cfm_remote_opstate duplex error external_ids ifindex ingress_policing_burst 
ingress_policing_rate lacp_current link_resets link_speed link_state lldp mac 
mac_in_use          mtu  mtu_request name          ofport ofport_request 
options              other_config statistics                                    
------------------------------------ ----------- --- ---------- --------- 
---------------- -------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- 
------------------ ------ ----- ------------ ------- ---------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- 
------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ------ -------------- 
-------------------- ------------ 
c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           27      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "br-p1"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           28      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "br-p2"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8 down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           29      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "br-p3"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}              {driver_name=openvswitch}               
4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "0e:d2:b3:87:17:f2" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p2" 2      2              {peer="patch-p2-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=11392, tx_packets=178}                  
9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "6e:22:ea:f0:fe:df" [] 
  []          "patch-p3-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p3"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=11392, rx_packets=178, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "96:91:af:c4:f9:31" [] 
  []          "patch-p1-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p1"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=11392, rx_packets=178, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "9e:80:d1:12:3e:4e" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p1" 1      1              {peer="patch-p1-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=11392, tx_packets=178}                  
68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "ee:5e:65:e8:72:59" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p3" 3      3              {peer="patch-p3-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=11392, tx_packets=178}                  
c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "f2:29:db:0c:21:dd" [] 
  []          "patch-p2-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p2"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=11392, rx_packets=178, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           26      0                      0                    
 []           1           []         up         {}   []  "f2:80:87:be:02:42" 
1500 []          br-in         65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=11392, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=178}         {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           30      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "5e:e4:5f:26:21:8a" 
1500 []          "m-eth4"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4350, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=87, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}           {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           31      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "d6:61:ea:34:24:00" 
1500 []          "m-eth5"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=1450, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=29, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}           {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           32      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "92:e5:eb:75:3c:32" 
1500 []          "m-eth1"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}              {driver_name=openvswitch}               
fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           3       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "eth1"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=71400, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=216, tx_bytes=152502, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1475} {driver_name="e1000e", driver_version="2.3.2-k", 
firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           6       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "eth4"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4577, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=42, tx_bytes=95139, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1307}    {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           7       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "eth5"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=5393, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=54, tx_bytes=90075, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1307}    {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      

Manager table
_uuid connection_mode external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected max_backoff 
other_config status target
----- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ----------- 
------------ ------ ------

Mirror table
_uuid                                external_ids name          output_port     
                     output_vlan select_all select_dst_port                     
   select_src_port                        select_vlan snaplen statistics        
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------- 
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- 
-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 
----------- ------- ------------------------------
1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2 {}           "mirror_eth4" 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []          false      
[a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] [a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=5632, tx_packets=88}
08a2c912-4fe9-4587-a731-dd83e532be9c {}           "mirror_eth5" 
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af []          false      
[14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae] [14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=1856, tx_packets=29}

NetFlow table
_uuid active_timeout add_id_to_interface engine_id engine_type external_ids 
----- -------------- ------------------- --------- ----------- ------------ 

Open_vSwitch table
_uuid                                bridges                                    
                              cur_cfg datapath_types   db_version external_ids  
                                                manager_options next_cfg 
other_config ovs_version ssl statistics system_type system_version
 ------- ---------------- ---------- 
--------------- -------- ------------ ----------- --- ---------- ----------- 
51ff0380-15c1-409e-94ee-f2186ea9d68d [05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd, 
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e, 167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2, 
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621] 18      [netdev, system] "7.14.0"   
{hostname=sandbox, system-id="587b1b7c-e78f-4a30-b4ca-c94d9f12ddc8"} [geneve, 
gre, internal, ipsec_gre, lisp, patch, stt, system, tap, vxlan] []              
18       {}           "2.6.90"    []  {}         ubuntu      "14.04"       

Port table
_uuid                                bond_active_slave bond_downdelay 
bond_fake_iface bond_mode bond_updelay external_ids fake_bridge interfaces      
                       lacp mac name          other_config qos rstp_statistics 
rstp_status statistics status tag trunks vlan_mode
------------------------------------ ----------------- -------------- 
--------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 
-------------------------------------- ---- --- ------------- ------------ --- 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ------ --- ------ ---------
a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200] []   []  br-in         {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff] []   []  "br-p1"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf] []   []  "br-p2"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8] []   []  "br-p3"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f] []   []  "eth1"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e] []   []  "eth4"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085] []   []  "eth5"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae] []   []  "m-eth1"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50] []   []  "m-eth4"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e] []   []  "m-eth5"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9] []   []  "patch-in-p1" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242] []   []  "patch-in-p2" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c] []   []  "patch-in-p3" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c] []   []  "patch-p1-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5] []   []  "patch-p2-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7] []   []  "patch-p3-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       

QoS table
_uuid external_ids other_config queues type
----- ------------ ------------ ------ ----

Queue table
_uuid dscp external_ids other_config
----- ---- ------------ ------------

SSL table
_uuid bootstrap_ca_cert ca_cert certificate external_ids private_key
----- ----------------- ------- ----------- ------------ -----------

sFlow table
_uuid agent external_ids header polling sampling targets
----- ----- ------------ ------ ------- -------- -------
AutoAttach table
_uuid mappings system_description system_name
----- -------- ------------------ -----------

Bridge table
_uuid                                auto_attach controller datapath_id        
datapath_type datapath_version external_ids fail_mode flood_vlans flow_tables 
ipfix mcast_snooping_enable mirrors                                name    
netflow other_config ports                                                      
              protocols rstp_enable rstp_status sflow status stp_enable
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------------ 
------------- ---------------- ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- 
----- --------------------- -------------------------------------- ------- 
------- ------------ 
 --------- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ ----------
05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd []          []         "0000000c294619c5" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2] "br-p1" []   
   {}           [02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3, 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388, a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336, 
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2 []          []         "0000000c294619d9" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [91163891-65ea-4cdd-a3e5-87017e0f0695] "br-p3" []   
   {}           [105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7, 
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f, 59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e, 
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e []          []         "0000000c294619ed" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 [08a2c912-4fe9-4587-a731-dd83e532be9c] "br-p2" []   
   {}           [14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae, 
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763, d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c, 
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621 []          []         "0000f28087be0242" 
""            "2.6.90"         {}           []        []          {}          
[]    false                 []                                     br-in   []   
   {}           [0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b, 
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52, a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d, 
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e] []        false       {}          []    
{}     false     

Controller table
_uuid connection_mode controller_burst_limit controller_rate_limit 
enable_async_messages external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected local_gateway 
local_ip local_netmask max_backoff other_config role status target
----- --------------- ---------------------- --------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------- 
-------- ------------- ----------- ------------ ---- ------ ------

Flow_Sample_Collector_Set table
_uuid bridge external_ids id ipfix
----- ------ ------------ -- -----

Flow_Table table
_uuid external_ids flow_limit groups name overflow_policy prefixes
----- ------------ ---------- ------ ---- --------------- --------

IPFIX table
_uuid cache_active_timeout cache_max_flows external_ids obs_domain_id 
obs_point_id other_config sampling targets
----- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- 
------------ ------------ -------- -------

Interface table
_uuid                                admin_state bfd bfd_status cfm_fault 
cfm_fault_status cfm_flap_count cfm_health cfm_mpid cfm_remote_mpids 
cfm_remote_opstate duplex error external_ids ifindex ingress_policing_burst 
ingress_policing_rate lacp_current link_resets link_speed link_state lldp mac 
mac_in_use          mtu  mtu_request name          ofport ofport_request 
options              other_config statistics                                    
------------------------------------ ----------- --- ---------- --------- 
---------------- -------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- 
------------------ ------ ----- ------------ ------- ---------------------- 
--------------------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- 
------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ------ -------------- 
-------------------- ------------ 
c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           27      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "br-p1"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           28      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "br-p2"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}               {driver_name=openvswitch}              
579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8 down        {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           29      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         down       {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "br-p3"       65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}              {driver_name=openvswitch}               
4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "0e:d2:b3:87:17:f2" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p2" 2      2              {peer="patch-p2-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=18112, tx_packets=283}                  
9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "6e:22:ea:f0:fe:df" [] 
  []          "patch-p3-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p3"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=18112, rx_packets=283, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "96:91:af:c4:f9:31" [] 
  []          "patch-p1-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p1"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=18112, rx_packets=283, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "9e:80:d1:12:3e:4e" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p1" 1      1              {peer="patch-p1-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=18112, tx_packets=283}                  
68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "ee:5e:65:e8:72:59" [] 
  []          "patch-in-p3" 3      3              {peer="patch-p3-in"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=18112, tx_packets=283}                  
c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           0       0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "f2:29:db:0c:21:dd" [] 
  []          "patch-p2-in" 1      1              {peer="patch-in-p2"} {}       
    {rx_bytes=18112, rx_packets=283, tx_bytes=0, tx_packets=0}                  
3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           26      0                      0                    
 []           1           []         up         {}   []  "f2:80:87:be:02:42" 
1500 []          br-in         65534  []             {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=0, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=0, tx_bytes=18176, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=284}         {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           30      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "5e:e4:5f:26:21:8a" 
1500 []          "m-eth4"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4350, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=87, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}           {driver_name=openvswitch}                  
9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           31      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "d6:61:ea:34:24:00" 
1500 []          "m-eth5"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=6750, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=1, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=135, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}          {driver_name=openvswitch}                   
6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  []     []    {}           32      0                      0                    
 []           0           []         up         {}   []  "92:e5:eb:75:3c:32" 
1500 []          "m-eth1"      3      3              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=328, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=49, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=1, tx_bytes=0, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=0}            {driver_name=openvswitch}                 
fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           3       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:d9" 
1500 []          "eth1"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=74168, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=224, tx_bytes=160996, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1586} {driver_name="e1000e", driver_version="2.3.2-k", 
firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           6       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:c5" 
1500 []          "eth4"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4577, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=42, tx_bytes=102347, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1413}   {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      
8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085 up          {}  {}         []        []    
           []             []         []       []               []               
  full   []    {}           7       0                      0                    
 []           0           1000000000 up         {}   []  "00:0c:29:46:19:ed" 
1500 []          "eth5"        2      2              {}                   {}    
       {collisions=0, rx_bytes=5393, rx_crc_err=0, rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, 
rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=54, tx_bytes=96859, tx_dropped=0, 
tx_errors=0, tx_packets=1413}    {driver_name="e1000e", 
driver_version="2.3.2-k", firmware_version="1.8-0"} ""      

Manager table
_uuid connection_mode external_ids inactivity_probe is_connected max_backoff 
other_config status target
----- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ------------ ----------- 
------------ ------ ------

Mirror table
_uuid                                external_ids name          output_port     
                     output_vlan select_all select_dst_port                     
   select_src_port                        select_vlan snaplen statistics        
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------- 
------------------------------------ ----------- ---------- 
-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- 
----------- ------- -------------------------------
91163891-65ea-4cdd-a3e5-87017e0f0695 {}           "mirror_eth1" 
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f []          false      
[105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7] [105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=342, tx_packets=1}   
1b4b8e1a-8e2d-459f-aa3a-eba04f053dc2 {}           "mirror_eth4" 
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []          false      
[a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] [a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=5632, tx_packets=88} 
08a2c912-4fe9-4587-a731-dd83e532be9c {}           "mirror_eth5" 
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af []          false      
[14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae] [14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae] 
[]          []      {tx_bytes=8576, tx_packets=134}

NetFlow table
_uuid active_timeout add_id_to_interface engine_id engine_type external_ids 
----- -------------- ------------------- --------- ----------- ------------ 

Open_vSwitch table
_uuid                                bridges                                    
                              cur_cfg datapath_types   db_version external_ids  
                                                manager_options next_cfg 
other_config ovs_version ssl statistics system_type system_version
 ------- ---------------- ---------- 
--------------- -------- ------------ ----------- --- ---------- ----------- 
51ff0380-15c1-409e-94ee-f2186ea9d68d [05acfa54-3ec8-4188-913a-e78e583f91cd, 
0fbd526d-85e2-499d-abb1-257eca437b5e, 167f817e-a2ce-4dea-b979-e1d7f4bfdde2, 
be8780f3-17b9-4202-8fc0-8adf04309621] 19      [netdev, system] "7.14.0"   
{hostname=sandbox, system-id="587b1b7c-e78f-4a30-b4ca-c94d9f12ddc8"} [geneve, 
gre, internal, ipsec_gre, lisp, patch, stt, system, tap, vxlan] []              
19       {}           "2.6.90"    []  {}         ubuntu      "14.04"       

Port table
_uuid                                bond_active_slave bond_downdelay 
bond_fake_iface bond_mode bond_updelay external_ids fake_bridge interfaces      
                       lacp mac name          other_config qos rstp_statistics 
rstp_status statistics status tag trunks vlan_mode
------------------------------------ ----------------- -------------- 
--------------- --------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 
-------------------------------------- ---- --- ------------- ------------ --- 
--------------- ----------- ---------- ------ --- ------ ---------
a581c3f2-381b-4cfe-903e-5ab9ad637b3d []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[3e6d3186-cf45-41c9-b95c-a56b62eea200] []   []  br-in         {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
aebfb3fe-d9b6-4907-bd28-e9de9b39edcb []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c62a5d18-d19e-4915-babb-e34a2866e2ff] []   []  "br-p1"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
d7c5280d-430f-4233-a727-0fb2dd86178c []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[118caeed-2b0f-4336-9a7c-96806ebb7dbf] []   []  "br-p2"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f5564a67-e128-4b7e-97ca-f0a2431c34d5 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[579570f4-0c79-4afd-8e30-378cad21b3b8] []   []  "br-p3"       {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
105457b0-8337-44db-9ba6-ca40ed434cf7 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[fa5eed38-0361-44bf-82f3-a798e63b217f] []   []  "eth1"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
a522d63c-fc98-4665-b30e-42e5468d7336 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[7a5d3cf0-a828-47f3-bb6f-1e4a3494000e] []   []  "eth4"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
14d2a48d-6b0a-4873-b18a-c8c2ef34acae []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[8dc9c8ff-b1dd-4643-93e5-2c0dd73cf085] []   []  "eth5"        {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3c0885a9-5c33-46bd-9c65-62fa6cead39f []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[6a24e0fe-eb52-49b3-bcef-d26fc3a152ae] []   []  "m-eth1"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
3bcda29b-8aa7-43ba-91db-52208243d388 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[f99064a9-ec66-4587-aa38-6699719a9e50] []   []  "m-eth4"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f07d913f-8424-409b-a5ce-2ea79628b8af []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9600e11a-ee49-49c7-bdfe-046867b8685e] []   []  "m-eth5"      {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
f334fe3a-7816-4fc8-a158-dbf6601b188e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9f994a06-5458-4d9d-bbe6-8446995b23a9] []   []  "patch-in-p1" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
0e223702-7d81-4b11-a13f-f85f0e80316b []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[4c841b67-941b-4524-b73f-f6b46f88d242] []   []  "patch-in-p2" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
6e4b9006-d33d-4943-860b-4075fa8b8b52 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[68ade641-c9c1-42b0-91d8-868a1098fb9c] []   []  "patch-in-p3" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
02d086ab-067b-4ede-98ec-7ee1adfa6df3 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[93f6f071-7659-44b2-9716-2b97e5856b6c] []   []  "patch-p1-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
612c690e-bf6f-410a-b92a-8556a361a763 []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[c1e437bd-c3ef-4841-b16b-b5259fb1bce5] []   []  "patch-p2-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       
59372cbf-9b00-4994-a422-683e0923e88e []                0              false     
      []        0            {}           false       
[9189831d-5472-495c-8e3b-3f2c467806f7] []   []  "patch-p3-in" {}           []  
{}              {}          {}         {}     []  []     []       

QoS table
_uuid external_ids other_config queues type
----- ------------ ------------ ------ ----

Queue table
_uuid dscp external_ids other_config
----- ---- ------------ ------------

SSL table
_uuid bootstrap_ca_cert ca_cert certificate external_ids private_key
----- ----------------- ------- ----------- ------------ -----------

sFlow table
_uuid agent external_ids header polling sampling targets
----- ----- ------------ ------ ------- -------- -------
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