This faq is keep a long time, have ovs resolve this problem in a
newer version? I am using version 2.5.0.

Thank you

发件人: Ben Pfaff [] 
发送时间: 2016年8月26日 0:07
收件人: lifuqiong
主题: Re: [ovs-discuss] OVS bond ports problem, maybe is a bug

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 05:33:33PM +0800, lifuqiong wrote:
> Hi,
>          I create an ovs bridge br0 and bond bond0 with physical NIC 
> p4p1 and p4p2. The reason I created a bond port is doing link 
> Aggregate, when sending flow to physical NIC or receiving flow from 
> physical NIC through Openflow ,
> I just need set outport number to bond0's ofport num;  But,  but 
> there's no ofport num in port bond0,  and having two physical NICs 
> ofport number instead, why ?  How should I write flow entry with two
ofport numbers?

OVS doesn't support directly outputting to a bond.  The FAQ says:

### Q: It looks like each of the interfaces in my bonded port shows up
   as an individual OpenFlow port.  Is that right?

A: Yes, Open vSwitch makes individual bond interfaces visible as
   OpenFlow ports, rather than the bond as a whole.  The interfaces
   are treated together as a bond for only a few purposes:

   - Sending a packet to the OFPP_NORMAL port.  (When an OpenFlow
     controller is not configured, this happens implicitly to
     every packet.)

   - Mirrors configured for output to a bonded port.

   It would make a lot of sense for Open vSwitch to present a bond as
   a single OpenFlow port.  If you want to contribute an
   implementation of such a feature, please bring it up on the Open
   vSwitch development mailing list at

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