
From: qintao (F) []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 8:09 AM
To: Chandran, Sugesh <>
Cc: wuhao 00271188 <>; guoyilong 00231009 
<>; lukai 00197897 
<>; liuguifeng 00230956 
<>; qintao (F) <>; 
wangmeiling 00346626 <>; kangxu 00360128 
Subject: a question about userspace ovs

Dear sugesh,

Recently I have met a problem when I do some tests. The first following picture 
 is my network structure. As the second and third following picture show ,
the problem is that the vm( cannot ping another vm( 
successfully when being adopted the big size packets ,such as the mtu 1500 .
But after being adopted the small size packets ,such as the mtu 64 ,the 
vm( can ping another vm ( And then I 
chose the
netperf as my  test tool .Whatever the size of the packets I have changed , the 
packets generated by the netperf have been dropped fully by the port dpdk ,when 
I run
the command "watch -d -n 1 ovs-ofctl dump-ports br0".And the I found the 
numbers of free  hugepages on  my host is zero. So I have a doubt it if the 
problem  has
something to do with it ,or other reasons?
[Sugesh] Looks to me that the MTU on your interfaces are not sufficient to 
handle the 1500 traffic because every vxlan traffic adds up 50 bytes of 
additional overhead.

Best regards,

Tony QIN




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