Hi Daniel,

Do you have any news related to this bug?


El 05/07/16 a les 03:07, Daniel Ye ha escrit:
Hi Lluis,

Basically, I use ovs-docker to associate to one port on the bridge to a container. Steps are listed below: 1. Install docker on Ubuntu(May be other Linux version): https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/. 2. Start two containers(use docker run), and the containers are named container1 and container2. 3. Install ovs-docker and run “ovs-docker add-port br1 eth1 container1 --ipaddress=” and “ovs-docker add-port br2 eth1 container2 --ipaddress=”.
4. Add tunnel port and physical nic on br1 and br2.
4. Enable IPFIX on the two bridge.

I think this will format the same topology as the one you give. You can have a try. I will check the scenario you
give later.


On Jul 4, 2016, at 3:55 PM, Lluís Gifre <lgi...@ac.upc.edu <mailto:lgi...@ac.upc.edu>> wrote:

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your comments!
I can try to use containers in my scenario.
Could you send me details on how to set-up your scenario (or a similar one) using containers?


On 03/07/16 03:06, Daniel Ye wrote:
Hi Lluis,

As I don’t have a test environment now, I tried with the topology as below and
the openvswitch is installed from the latest code on Github:

container1     vxlan12   container2     vxlan21
         |                |                          |                |
—— + — — — + — —              —— + — — — + —
| br1 | | br2 |
——————— + ——              ——————— +—
                           |                                           |
                        eth0                                      eth1
In this scenario, I didn’t get any outage when I enabled the Bridge IPFIX. I will try your test environment later.


On Jul 2, 2016, at 12:15 AM, Lluís Gifre <lgi...@ac.upc.edu> wrote:

ovs-vsctl clear bridge br1 ipfix

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