It’s also strange you get -1 as the NUMA socket.
EAL: PCI device 0000:02:00.0 on NUMA socket -1

Maybe you could have the same issue if you keep OVS off and just run some 
simple DPDK test application?
For ex by running testpmd, so no OVS process is involved.

Also, as this is an error message coming from DPDK code – and especially if you 
still have the same issue with a DPDK app without OVS - it could be a good idea 
to post also to the DPDK Mailing-list.


From: Charlie Li []
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 8:36 PM
To: Fischetti, Antonio <>
Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] pci_map_resource(): cannot mmap(..): Invalid 
argument (0xffffffffffffffff)

It does not make any difference.

$ sudo ./ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c 0x1 -n 4 --socket-mem 1024,0 -- unix:$DB_SOCK 
--pidfile --detach
2016-06-28T19:34:17Z|00001|dpdk|INFO|No -vhost_sock_dir provided - defaulting 
to /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch
EAL: Detected lcore 0 as core 0 on socket 0
EAL: Detected lcore 1 as core 1 on socket 0
EAL: Detected lcore 2 as core 2 on socket 0
EAL: Detected lcore 3 as core 3 on socket 0
EAL: Support maximum 128 logical core(s) by configuration.
EAL: Detected 4 lcore(s)
EAL: VFIO modules not all loaded, skip VFIO support...
EAL: Setting up physically contiguous memory...
EAL: Ask a virtual area of 0x40000000 bytes
EAL: Virtual area found at 0x7fcc80000000 (size = 0x40000000)
EAL: Requesting 1 pages of size 1024MB from socket 0
EAL: TSC frequency is ~2096069 KHz
EAL: Master lcore 0 is ready (tid=542beac0;cpuset=[0])
EAL: PCI device 0000:02:00.0 on NUMA socket -1
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:10fb rte_ixgbe_pmd
EAL: pci_map_resource(): cannot mmap(10, 0x7fccc0000000, 0x80000, 0x0): Invalid 
argument (0xffffffffffffffff)
EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1
  Cause: Requested device 0000:02:00.0 cannot be used

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Fischetti, Antonio 
<<>> wrote:
Can you try to specify the socket memory parameter
--socket-mem 1024,0

So the command
sudo ./ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c 0x1 -n 4 -- unix:$DB_SOCK --pidfile --detach

sudo ./ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c 0x1 -n 4 --socket-mem 1024,0
-- unix:$DB_SOCK --pidfile –detach

From: Charlie Li [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 4:41 PM
To: Fischetti, Antonio 
Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] pci_map_resource(): cannot mmap(..): Invalid 
argument (0xffffffffffffffff)

Hi Antonio,

Please see the dumps in the attached file.


On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 2:39 AM, Fischetti, Antonio 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Charlie,
while this issue is happening with Fed23 can you check what are the 2 outputs of

1.       sudo $DPDK_DIR/tools/ --status

and also

2.       lspci | grep 02:00



From: discuss 
 On Behalf Of Charlie Li
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 4:36 PM
Subject: [ovs-discuss] pci_map_resource(): cannot mmap(..): Invalid argument 


I am trying to set up openvswitch-2.5.0 with DPDK-2.2.0 by following 

First tried with Ubuntu server 16.04 and it worked as expected.

But when tried with Fedora server 23, it hit the following error

EAL: pci_map_resource(): cannot mmap(10, 0x7f1800000000, 0x80000, 0x0): Invalid 
argument (0xffffffffffffffff)

when invoking

sudo ./ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c 0x1 -n 4 -- unix:$DB_SOCK --pidfile --detach

I tested it on the same hardware platform and followed the same instructions. 
Why it only failed with Fedora?

I am also attaching the detailed logs from both Ubuntu (working case) and 
Fedora (failing case).

Any help is appreciated.


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