I have written script to remotely start ovsdb server instance by killing older one . Its gives proper results for some attempts or for some attempts i get error like database connection failed.
Script for initiating ovsdb server #!/usr/bin/env perl $pid = `ssh root\@" " pidof ovsdb-server`; system("ssh root\@"" kill -9 $pid "); system("ssh root\@"" \"ovsdb-server --remote=ptcp:6640:: --detach\" "); print "+++++++++++++++++ OVSDB-SERVER IS NOW LISTENING ON PORT 6640 \n "; system("ovs-vsctl --db=tcp: show"); Results 1 )Sometimes i get this 5d180048-8f91-44ac-93d4-dd9a6a99710b Bridge "br0" Controller "tcp:" Port "br0" Interface "br0" type: internal Port "eth0" Interface "eth0" Port "eth1" Interface "eth1" 2) Sometimes its failed to start (unable to kill pid or ovsdb-server immediately catches another pid) 2016-06-09T18:56:53Z|00001|lockfile|WARN|/etc/openvswitch/.conf.db.~lock~: cannot lock file because it is already locked by pid 1879 ovsdb-server: I/O error: /etc/openvswitch/conf.db: failed to lock lockfile (Resource temporarily unavailable) +++++++++++++++++ OVSDB-SERVER IS NOW LISTENING ON PORT 6640 2016-06-25T10:19:04Z|00002|reconnect|WARN|ssl: connection attempt failed (Connection refused) ovs-vsctl: ssl: database connection failed () bisically i am using command kill -9 pid_of_ovsdbserver in script. thank you rohan
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