On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 09:11:10PM +0000, Farhad Sunavala wrote:
> >It's already possible to do what you want.  Have the learned flows set a
> >register to a distinctive value, such as 1, and match on that register
> >after resubmitting to the table that contains the learned flows. > In the 
> >next table, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> That brings me back to my original question.How do you go to the next table 
> inside a learned flow ?The only actions available for a learned flow are 
> load, store and output.

You do not.  You have some flow, in some table X, with two resubmit
actions: one to table Y, that contains flows created by "learn", and
another to table X+1, which uses the information loaded into registers
(etc.) within table Y.
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