On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 04:50:16PM -0400, Daniel Rosenzweig wrote:
> I know that I can set a runtime log-level with:
> ovs-appctl vlog/set
> I know that I can manually set ovsdb-server and ovs-vswitchd  with the -v
> options.
> BUT - I want to have everything come up with the proper loglevel upon boot.
> I don't see any way of passing loglevels from  ovs-ctl down to the
> daemons . I also don't see a way of having it saved in the persistent OVS
> database.
> Am I missing something?
> As of now, it seems that  either I'd need to not usetovs-ctl and call the
> ovs daemons directory, or have an init script to run ovs-appctl vlog/set  .

I think that's accurate.  It does seem like a weakness.
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