
I'm trying to get openvswitch to work on a Google cloud VM but I keep
failing on the step where I add the eth0 interface to the switch. I tried
several times with different configurations.

I'm a little suspicious that it might have to do with Google's own SDN
implementation, specifically this part from their docs:

## MAC lookup table, IP lookup table, active connection table
These tables are hosted on the underlying network and cannot be inspected
or configured.

Source: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/networking#networkingdetails

I don't know if they might simply not allow any other MAC addresses on the
network. I tried to spoof the MAC of eth0 on br0 using a script but it
don't seem to work either. When I manually try to spoof the MAC it looks
good until I bring up br0, then the MAC I set disappears. I attach a script
of one of my attempts, but I have tried various combinations. I'm using
Ubuntu 14.04 with openvswitch-switch_2.5.0-1.

Anyone who has any ideas on this? Should openvswitch work on GCE or am I
trying to do something that is simply not possible? If not, is there a
workaround where I could use iptables to force traffic to and from eth0 and
a switch port to emulate that it's attached while keeping the ip and mac on

Regards, Robert Åkerblom-Andersson

Attachment: switch_setup.bash
Description: Binary data

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