Hi, I am planning to write a usability debug-tool script for OVS-DPDK. The script can collect and report all the relevant system information that can be used to debug most of the possible OVS-DPDK issues remotely. A basic implementation of the script and a sample dump-log file produced by the script are attached with this mail for a reference. Its also possible to extend the scope of the script to use in the event of OVS crash for collecting core dump along with all the relevant system information. The produced log-file information is really helpful to debug any misconfiguration/hardware/performance issues easily without so many mail interactions. Please let me know comments/suggestions/inputs on this proposal.
Regards _Sugesh
import subprocess import getpass from enum import Enum, unique import os @unique class SYS_OP(Enum): GET_KERNEL_VERSION = 1 GET_DPDK_VERSION = 3 GET_QEMU_VERSION = 4 GET_DISTRO_VERSION = 5 GET_DPDK_PORT_INFO = 6 GET_HUGEPAGE_INFO = 7 GET_INSTALL_DIR = 8 GET_OVS_LOGS = 9 GET_CPU_INFO = 10 LIST_DIR = 11 class linux_system: # The directory sets that must be set to collect all the information. CMD_SET_DICT = { SYS_OP.GET_KERNEL_VERSION : "uname -a", SYS_OP.GET_DPDK_VERSION : None, SYS_OP.GET_HUGEPAGE_INFO : "cat /proc/meminfo |grep Huge", SYS_OP.GET_DISTRO_VERSION : "lsb_release -a", SYS_OP.LIST_DIR : "ls -la" } FILE_NAME = "/tmp/ovs-logs.log" fp = None def __init__(self, ovs_install_dir, dpdk_install_dir, qemu_install_dir): self.fp = open(self.FILE_NAME, "w") self.OVS_INSTALL_DIR = ovs_install_dir self.DPDK_INSTALL_DIR = dpdk_install_dir self.qemu_INSTALL_DIR = qemu_install_dir def __del__(self): self.fp.close() def run_command(self, cmd, cmd_cwd = None, *args): exec_cmd = [] if getpass.getuser() != "root": cmd = "sudo " + cmd exec_cmd.append(cmd) if(len(args)): exec_cmd = exec_cmd + list(args) exec_cmd = filter(None, exec_cmd) print exec_cmd try: out = subprocess.Popen(exec_cmd, cwd=cmd_cwd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: print("Failed to run the bash command, " + e) res, err = out.communicate() return(res, err) def run_command_with_list_args(self, cmd_cwd, cmd, args): self.run_command(cmd, *args) def get_sys_info(self, cmd_opt, cmd_dir = None): cmd = self.CMD_SET_DICT[cmd_opt] (res, err) = self.run_command(cmd, cmd_dir) return (cmd, res, err) def get_ovs_run_sock_dir(self): log_file = None run_dir = None if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log"): log_file = "/usr/local/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log" run_dir = "/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/" elif os.path.isfile("/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log"): log_file = "/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log" run_dir = "/var/run/openvswitch/" return(log_file, run_dir) def get_ovs_config_stats(self): exec_cmd_dir = None ovs_res = '\n' self.write_cmd_to_log(None, None, None, msg = "OVS config & stats :- ") if self.OVS_INSTALL_DIR != "": exec_cmd_dir = os.path.join(self.OVS_INSTALL_DIR, "utilities") (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-vsctl --version", cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-vsctl --version\n" + res + "\n\n" (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-vsctl show", cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-vsctl show\n" + res + "\n\n" (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-appctl dpctl/show -s", cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-appctl dpctl/show -s\n" + res + "\n\n" (res, err) = self.run_command( "./ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows netdev@ovs-netdev", cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-appctl dpctl/dump-flows" + res + "\n\n" (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-vsctl list-br", cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-vsctl list-br" + "\n" + res + "\n\n" if not err: br_list = filter(None, res.split('\n')) else: br_list = [] for br in br_list: (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-ofctl show " + br, cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-ofctl show " + br + "\n" + res + "\n\n" (res, err) = self.run_command("./ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + br, cmd_cwd=exec_cmd_dir) ovs_res = ovs_res + "ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + br + "\n" + res + "\n\n" self.write_to_log(ovs_res) def write_to_log(self, str): self.fp.write(str) def write_cmd_to_log(self, exec_cmd, res, err, msg=""): if exec_cmd == None: exec_cmd = "None" if res == None: res = "None" if err == None: err = "None" self.fp.write("#######################################################\n") self.fp.write(msg) self.fp.write("\ncmd :- " + exec_cmd + "\n") self.fp.write("cmd err code :- " + err + "\n") self.fp.write(res) self.fp.write("\n#######################################################\n") def get_ovs_hw_info(self): # Collect cpu core mask of OVS and QEMU pass class windows_system: FILE_NAME = "C:/temp/ovs-logs.log" fp = None def __init__(self): self.fp = open(self.FILE_NAME, "w") def run_command(self, cmd, cmd_cwd = None, *args): pass def run_command_with_list_args(self, cmd_cwd, cmd, args): pass def get_sys_info(self, cmd_opt,cmd_dir = None): pass def write_cmd_to_log(self, exec_cmd, res, err): pass def get_ovs_run_dir(self): pass def get_ovs_config_stats(self): pass def get_ovs_hw_info(self): pass def get_kernel_version(sys_obj): (cmd, res, err) = sys_obj.get_sys_info(SYS_OP.GET_KERNEL_VERSION) sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log(cmd, res, err) def get_ovs_version(): pass def get_dpdk_version(): pass def get_qemu_version(): pass def get_distro_version(sys_obj): (cmd, res, err) = sys_obj.get_sys_info(SYS_OP.GET_DISTRO_VERSION) sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log(cmd, res, err) def get_dpdk_port_info(): pass def get_hugepage_info(sys_obj): (cmd, res, err) = sys_obj.get_sys_info(SYS_OP.GET_HUGEPAGE_INFO) sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log(cmd, res, err) def get_install_dir(): pass def get_ovs_logs(sys_obj): (log_file, sock_dir) = sys_obj.get_ovs_run_sock_dir() if log_file == None or sock_dir == None: sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log("", "Cannot get ovs logs", "Files are missing") return with open(log_file) as log_fp: sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log(None, None, None, msg = "OVS logs :- ") for line in log_fp: sys_obj.write_to_log(line) (cmd, res, err) = sys_obj.get_sys_info(SYS_OP.LIST_DIR, cmd_dir = sock_dir) sys_obj.write_cmd_to_log(cmd, res, err, msg = "OVS socket directory:- ") sys_obj.get_ovs_config_stats() def get_cpu_info(sys_obj): # get Host CPU and cores that used by OVS and qemu. pass def main(): OVS_INSTALL_DIR = "" DPDK_INSTALL_DIR = "" QEMU_INSTALL_DIR = "" sys_obj = None if os.name == 'posix': #Linux based system. OVS_INSTALL_DIR = None DPDK_INSTALL_DIR = None QEMU_INSTALL_DIR = None data = raw_input("Enter OVS source directory(Enter to skip):") if data: OVS_INSTALL_DIR = data.strip() data = raw_input("Enter DPDK source directory(Enter to skip):") if data: DPDK_INSTALL_DIR = data.strip() data = raw_input("Enter QEMU source dir(Enter to skip)") if data: DPDK_INSTALL_DIR = data.strip() sys_obj = linux_system(OVS_INSTALL_DIR, DPDK_INSTALL_DIR, QEMU_INSTALL_DIR) get_distro_version(sys_obj) get_kernel_version(sys_obj) get_hugepage_info(sys_obj) get_ovs_logs(sys_obj) else: print("The tool doesnt support this OS, Exiting...") return main()
Description: ovs-logs.log
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