Hi Daniele,

Its much cleaner approach.
Thanks for the update.

One more question:
Is your latest userconntrack branch merged with ovs-v2.5.0 already ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniele Di Proietto [mailto:diproiet...@vmware.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:31 AM
To: Soumyadeep Chowdhury (Cisco) <soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com>; Subramani 
Paramasivam (Cisco) <subramani.paramasi...@wipro.com>; b...@openvswitch.org
Cc: Sourabh Bansal (Cisco) <sourabh.ban...@wipro.com>; Karuppusamy 
Marappagounder (NEPC) <karuppusamy.marappagoun...@wipro.com>; Sanjeev Sharma 
(Cisco) <sanjeev.sharm...@wipro.com>
Subject: Re: In ovs-userconntrack_20151115 Branch - ICMP Blocked port can be 
hacked, if same icmp request id is used while sending the packet from the 
blocked side of the firewall.

** This mail has been sent from an external source **

Hi Soumyadeep,

Something like this is what I meant by "matching request/response types". I've 
implemented it on the last commit of my series, here:


The whole series is here:

http://openvswitch.org/pipermail/dev/2016-May/071050.html (or here: 



On 13/05/2016 04:38, "soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com" 
<soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com> wrote:

>Hi Daniele,
>Adding sequence number to the tuple will not solve the issue. As a hacker can 
>still track the seq number along with the id (by looking at the icmp echo 
>request packet) and send the similar packet back to the firewall, and it can 
>pass through.
>Firewall needs to be intelligent enough to identify these types of packet as 
>an invalid icmp request message.
>Solution can be while processing the packet from reply direction, drop the pkt 
>if it is an icmp echo request message. As that is not possible.
>From 673c142b9bb0eff341fb7b69c5599388cc73db94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>From: soumyadeep chowdhury <soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com>
>Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 15:21:23 -0400
>Subject: [PATCH] Fixed the icmp defect (Where same id packets are
>getting pass from blocked side)
>Signed-off-by: soumyadeep chowdhury <soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com>
>Tested-by: Subramani Paramasivam <subramani.paramasi...@wipro.com>
> ovs/lib/conntrack-other.c | 8 ++++++++
> 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>diff --git a/ovs/lib/conntrack-other.c b/ovs/lib/conntrack-other.c
>index c0d57a2..cbf76c4 100644
>--- a/ovs/lib/conntrack-other.c
>+++ b/ovs/lib/conntrack-other.c
>@@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ other_conn_update(struct conn *conn_, struct dp_packet *pkt 
>                 bool reply, long long now)  {
>     struct conn_other *conn = conn_other_cast(conn_);
>+    const struct icmp_header *icmp = (const char *)dp_packet_l4(pkt);
>+    /*If this is a Reply packet but type is ECHO_REQUEST, with same icmp_id, 
>that means this is an try for Hack. To avoid it used below condition  */
>+    if ((conn->up.key.nw_proto == IPPROTO_ICMP)
>+            && reply
>+            && (icmp->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST)) {
>+        return CT_UPDATE_INVALID;
>+    }
>     if (reply && conn->state != OTHERS_BIDIR) {
>         conn->state = OTHERS_BIDIR;
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniele Di Proietto [mailto:diproiet...@vmware.com]
>Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 7:32 AM
>To: Subramani Paramasivam (Cisco) <subramani.paramasi...@wipro.com>;
>Cc: Soumyadeep Chowdhury (Cisco) <soumyadeep.chowdh...@wipro.com>;
>Sourabh Bansal (Cisco) <sourabh.ban...@wipro.com>; Karuppusamy
>Marappagounder (NEPC) <karuppusamy.marappagoun...@wipro.com>; Sanjeev
>Sharma (Cisco) <sanjeev.sharm...@wipro.com>
>Subject: Re: In ovs-userconntrack_20151115 Branch - ICMP Blocked port can be 
>hacked, if same icmp request id is used while sending the packet from the 
>blocked side of the firewall.
>** This mail has been sent from an external source **
>Hi Subramani,
>I appreciate the feedback on the userspace connection tracker, thanks
>Yes, the ICMP state is identified by the tuple (SRC IP, DST IP, ID). This 
>mimics the behaviour of FreeBSD's pf.
>I guess I'd be possible to have more intelligence on ICMP connections by 
>tracking sequence numbers and matching request/response types (from some quick 
>testing I did, I think this is what the Linux connection tracker does).  This 
>can be implemented in a separate conntrack-icmp module and it will be a nice 
>addition to the userspace connection tracker.
>I think I would still like to try to merge it with ICMP support as it is, and 
>add sequence and type matching later. Obviously contributions are welcome.
>What do you think?
>On 10/05/2016 23:44, "subramani.paramasi...@wipro.com" 
><subramani.paramasi...@wipro.com> wrote:
>>Hello Daniele/All,
>>While testing Userconntrack (Branch - ovs-userconntrack_20151115), we found 
>>the following issue.
>>ICMP Blocked port can be hacked, if same ICMP request id is used while 
>>sending the packet from the blocked side of the firewall.
>>Test Setup:
>>Openvswitch Branch - ovs-userconntrack_20151115 DPDK Branch -
>>303/1 <-> dpdk0 - port 1
>>303/3 <-> dpdk1 - port 2
>>Agilent Configuration:
>>303/1 -
>>303/3 -
>>Traffic Configuration:
>>303/1 - to - ICMP request packet with id=0
>>303/3 - to - ICMP request packet with id=0
>>Firewall Flow Rules:
>>ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=1,action=drop"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=10,arp,action=normal"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=1,icmp,ct_state=+trk+est,action=2"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=2,icmp,ct_state=+trk+new,action=drop"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=2,icmp,ct_state=+trk+est,action=1"
>>ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0
>>Steps to Reproduce:
>>1. With the above configuration, start bidirectional traffic in Agilent.
>>2. Traffic from 303/3 to 303/1 is successful.
>>3. Expecting traffic from 303/3 to 303/1 should not pass through the firewall.
>>From: Subramani Paramasivam (Cisco)
>>Sent: 10 May 2016 12:31:53
>>To: diproiet...@vmware.com
>>Cc: Soumyadeep Chowdhury (Cisco); Sourabh Bansal (Cisco); Karuppusamy
>>Marappagounder (NEPC)
>>Subject: In ovs-userconntrack_20151115 Branch - ICMP Blocked port can be 
>>hacked, if same icmp request id is used while sending the packet from the 
>>blocked side of the firewall.
>>Hello Daniele,
>>While testing Userconntrack (Branch - ovs-userconntrack_20151115), we found 
>>the following issue.
>>ICMP Blocked port can be hacked, if same ICMP request id is used while 
>>sending the packet from the blocked side of the firewall.
>>Test Setup:
>>Openvswitch Branch - ovs-userconntrack_20151115 DPDK Branch -
>>303/1 <-> dpdk0 - port 1
>>303/3 <-> dpdk1 - port 2
>>Agilent Configuration:
>>303/1 -
>>303/3 -
>>Traffic Configuration:
>>303/1 - to - ICMP request packet with id=0
>>303/3 - to - ICMP request packet with id=0
>>Firewall Flow Rules:
>>ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=1,action=drop"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=10,arp,action=normal"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=1,icmp,ct_state=+trk+est,action=2"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=2,icmp,ct_state=+trk+new,action=drop"
>>ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=1,in_port=2,icmp,ct_state=+trk+est,action=1"
>>ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0
>>Steps to Reproduce:
>>1. With the above configuration, start bidirectional traffic in Agilent.
>>2. Traffic from 303/3 to 303/1 is successful.
>>3. Expecting traffic from 303/3 to 303/1 should not pass through the firewall.
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