Hello All,

I'm trying to use the Ryu controller on a very simple network composed of five Open vSwitch 2.4 (no loop is present currently in the topology).

I would enable STP at the controller, so followed the indications found on the ryubook and changed the BPDU dest address to 01:80:c2:00:00:0e, as illustrated in simple_switch_stp_13. This is because otherwise Open vSwitches with not enabled STP discards frames addressed to 01:80:c2:00:00:00.

However, the system is not working, from the ryu output it seems that STP is not converging and several LinkUp/LinkDown events are detected.

I simplified the network topology keeping only 2 switches, connected by a single link but the problem persists.

I guess it is a configuration problem of the switches, it seems that also frames addressed to 01:80:c2:00:00:0e are discarded.

Could you please provide suggestions?

Best Regards,
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