Apologize for the broken text image
I draw it again,

+-------------------+ +-------------------+
|                   | |                   |
| +----+            | | +----+            |
| | h1 +----+       | | | h2 +----+       |
| +----+    |       | | +----+    |       |
|      +--+-+-----+ | |      +--+-+-----+ |
|      |  | SW1|  | | |      |  | SW2|  | |
|      |  +----+  | | |      |  +----+  | |
|      |   OVS    | | |      |   OVS    | |
|      +----X-----+ | |      +----X-----+ |
|    XXXXXXXX       | |    XXXXXXXX       |
| +--X-+            | | +--X-+            |
| |eth0|      VM1   | | |eth0|      VM2   |
+---+---------------+ +---+---------------+
    |                     |
        gre tunnel

Thank you

2016-05-11 23:52 GMT+08:00 Willy Chen <ccps960718...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I want to know about how OVS to deal with gre tunnel,
> What things OVS doing when packet send out through tunnel?
> And when VM2's eth0 receive the packet, what happened in the vm2 ?
> If I have 2 switch in vm2, and they tunnel to vm1 with different key,
> when h1 ping h2, why ovs can transfer packet to h2, how did it knows ?
> I have the following topology,
> There is 1 host, 1 switch in a vm,
> and connect 2 vm each other by gre tunnel
> -------setting-------
> vm1's IP:
> vm2's IP:
> host1's IP:
> host2's IP:
> ---------------------
> The way I tried is:
> vm1:
>     ovs-vsctl add-port sw1 gre00 -- set interface gre00 type=gre
> options:remote_ip= options:key=1234
> vm2:
>     ovs-vsctl add-port sw2 gre00 -- set interface gre00 type=gre
> options:remote_ip= options:key=1234
> +------------------------------------+
> +------------------------------------+
> |                                    |
> |                                    |
> |   +-----------+                    |  |
> +-----------+                    |
> |   | docker@h1 +------+             |  |   | docker@h2
> +------+             |
> |   +-----------+      |             |  |   +-----------+
> |             |
> |                      |             |  |
> |             |
> |              +---+---+---+---+     |  |
> +---+---+---+---+     |
> |              |   |  sw1  |   |     |  |              |   |  sw2  |
> |     |
> |              |   +-------+   |     |  |              |   +-------+
> |     |
> |              |      OVS      |     |  |              |      OVS
> |     |
> |              +-------X-------+     |  |
> +-------X-------+     |
> |                      X             |  |
> X             |
> |        XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX             |  |
> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX             |
> |   +----X---+                       |  |
> +----X---+                       |
> |   |  eth0  |             VM1       |  |   |  eth0  |
> VM2       |
> +---+----+---+-----------------------+
> +---+---+----+-----------------------+
>          |                                      |
>          +--------------------------------------+
>                        GRE Tunnel
> Thanks for your help !!
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