
I am trying to decrease the time that OVS takes to update its packet/byte
counters. I was previously told that the line 898 of ofproto-dpif-upcall.c
which is part of function udpif_validator is used to set the timer. The
line is as follows:

// Original
poll_timer_wait_until(start_time + MIN(ofproto_max_idle, 500));

poll_timer_wait_until(start_time + MIN(ofproto_max_idle, 1));

I changed it to 1 and I can now get updated counters at ~1ms frequency.
However, I have noticed that after about 30 ms, there is a sudden jump and
the stats handler takes a jump by about ~50ms. My controller is POX based
and my timer is python datetime timer with microsecond granularity.

Can anyone tell me why I see the jump?

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