

I want to test dpdk vhost-user port on ovs to follow 
I create ovs+dpdk environment followed INSTALL.DPDK.md; and create 2 VMs, VMs 
Can communication with each other, but VM can not communicate with PC in the 

Network, VMs and PC in a same subnet.

PC( ping vm(;  vm’s host’s dpdk NIC and PC are in 
a L2 switch. And DPDK NIC connected to switch’s Port Eth1/0/8



         Binding VM’s IP and Mac in PC’s ARP table, and binding VM’s Mac in 
Port Eth1/0/8; PC is pinging vm, I can see Output packets of Eth1/0/8 
increasing regularly, which means the ping request packet has send to DPDK NIC.


But the ovs-ofctl dump-flows show there is no packet comes into OVS. Why? 


ovs-ofctl dump-flows ovsbr0. (the n_packets keeps 11174 while PC is pinging VM);

NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):

cookie=0x0, duration=115939.684s, table=0, n_packets=11174, n_bytes=873856, 
idle_age=935, hard_age=65534, priority=0 actions=NORMAL


         My switch has NO vlan , the default VLAN is 1. But when I ping from 
vm1 to vm2 , showing MaC address in OVS which shows as follows:

port  VLAN  MAC                Age

    4     0  00:00:00:00:02:12    1

3     0  00:00:00:00:00:04    1



What was the reason why VM cannot communication with the PC? Thank you


My environment as follows:

        OVS: 2.5.0
        Dpdk: 2.2.0
        Qemu: 2.5.0

2. ovs-ofctl dump-flows ovsbr0. (the n_packets keeps 11174 while PC is pinging 

NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):

cookie=0x0, duration=115939.684s, table=0, n_packets=11174, n_bytes=873856, 
idle_age=935, hard_age=65534, priority=0 actions=NORMAL

root@host52:~# ovs-vsctl show


    Bridge "ovsbr0"

        Port "vhost-user-0"

            Interface "vhost-user-0"

                type: dpdkvhostuser

        Port "dpdk0"

            Interface "dpdk0"

                type: dpdk

        Port "vhost-user-1"

            Interface "vhost-user-1"

                type: dpdkvhostuser

        Port "ovsbr0"

            Interface "ovsbr0"

                type: internal

4. Start VM info:
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 2 -hda /root/vm11.qcow2 -boot c -enable-kvm 
-vnc -chardev 
socket,id=char1,path=/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/vhost-user-0 -netdev 
type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char1,vhostforce -device 
virtio-net-pci,mac=00:00:00:00:01:12,netdev=mynet1 -object 
memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=1024M,mem-path=/dev/hugepages,share=on -numa 
node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -d exec

5. My build command as follows:

################ config and compile qemu ################ 


# cd qemu 


# ./configure 


# make 


# make install 



################ config and compile dpdk  ################ 


# cd dpdk # make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc 


# make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc 



################ config and compile ovs ################ 


# cd ovs # ./boot.sh 

# ./configure --localstatedir=/var 
# make
# make install

## set hugepage number, use boot cmdline or procfs 


echo 8 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages

## insert the kernel modules
modprobe uio
insmod $DPDK_BUILD/kmod/igb_uio.ko
insmod $DPDK_BUILD/kmod/rte_kni.ko
insmod $DPDK_DIR/lib/librte_vhost/eventfd_link/eventfd_link.ko

# unbind the dpdk interface

$DPDK_DIR/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --bind=igb_uio 01:00.0 
$DPDK_DIR/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --bind=igb_uio 01:00.1

#Mount hugetable
mkdir -p /dev/hugepages
mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=1G none /dev/hugepages

#first time
#ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db 

ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock 
--remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options --pidfile --detach 

#firsttime only
#ovs-vsctl --no-wait init
ovs-vswitchd --dpdk -c 0x77 -n 2 --socket-mem 2048,0 -- unix:$DB_SOCK --pidfile 
--detach --log-file

## Add brige
/usr/local/bin/ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0 -- set bridge ovsbr0 datapath_type=netdev

## Add dpdk port
/usr/local/bin/ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 dpdk0 -- set Interface dpdk0 type=dpdk 


## Add vhost-user port
/usr/local/bin/ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 vhost-user-0 -- set Interface 
vhost-user-0 type=dpdkvhostuser 


/usr/local/bin/ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 vhost-user-1 -- set Interface 
vhost-user-1 type=dpdkvhostuser


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