I agree that with apply_actions it makes sense to supply the table_id of
the flow that output to the group.  I don't object to fixing that--do
you want to supply a patch?

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 02:29:24PM +0000, Zoltán Balogh wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> I see your point. The table lookup is far removed from output. But let's 
> replace write_action with apply_action and see your explanation again. 
> In this latter case the output would be caused by a group, which would be 
> caused by goto_table action that was found by a table_lookup and table_id 
> would be relevant. 
> Compared with write_action, in that case there is an additional action set 
> element in the "caused by"-chain.
> Furthermore the table_id=0 can be observed when using 
> write_actions(output:CONTROLLER) as well. Having the following setup:
> $ ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-test 
> OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
> cookie=0x0, duration=639.674s, table=0, n_packets=5, n_bytes=440, in_port=1 
> actions=write_actions(CONTROLLER:65535),goto_table:1
> cookie=0x0, duration=690.922s, table=1, n_packets=5, n_bytes=440, 
> actions=CONTROLLER:65535,goto_table:2
> cookie=0x0, duration=292.224s, table=2, n_packets=5, n_bytes=440, 
> actions=CONTROLLER:65535,write_actions(CONTROLLER:65535),goto_table:3
> cookie=0x0, duration=690.796s, table=3, n_packets=5, n_bytes=440, 
> actions=group:1234
> $ ovs-ofctl dump-groups br-test 
> OFPST_GROUP_DESC reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
> group_id=1234,type=all,bucket=actions=output:10,bucket=actions=CONTROLLER:65535
> If a packet is received on port 1, then packet_in messages are triggered by 
> actions=output:CONTROLLER in tables 1, 2 and in group 1234 (with table_id = 
> 1, 2 and 3) and finally a packet_in is triggered by 
> write_action(output:CONTROLLER) in table 2. But this last one has table_id = 
> 0.
> So, the first packet_in (with table_id = 1) is triggered by an output action 
> found by a table lookup in table 1. 
> The last packet_in (with table_id = 0) was triggered by an output action 
> caused by the action set, which is from an action found by a table lookup in 
> table 2.
> I don't know how other OpenFlow switches handle these cases. I need to do 
> some research.
> Best regards,
> Zoltan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Pfaff [mailto:b...@ovn.org] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 1:16 AM
> To: Zoltán Balogh
> Cc: discuss@openvswitch.org
> Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] table_id becomes zero in PACKET_IN when using 
> write_action(group) instead of group
> > The comment says that table_id member is "the ID of the table that was 
> > looked up".
> > 
> > I investigated the action translator code in ofproto-dpif-xlate.c. I think 
> > it would be easy to store the current table ID in a new member of current 
> > xlate_ctx structure when action translation through the flow-chain is 
> > ongoing and a write_actions(output) or a write_actions(group) action is 
> > processed. 
> > So this way, the ID of the last table in the flow-chain that contains 
> > write_actions(output) or write_actions(group) could be stored. That could 
> > be done in xlate_write_actions().
> > 
> > Then later, when the current action set is processed and there is an output 
> > action in the set, then this stored table_id could be used as table_id of 
> > current context when translating an output action and output port is 
> > CONTROLLER. This should be performed in xlate_output_action().
> > 
> > What do you think? If it's ok, I would create a patch.
> The table lookup is far removed from the output.  The output is caused by a 
> group, which is in turn caused by the action set, which is in turn from an 
> action found by a table lookup.  It's not at all obvious to me that the table 
> lookup is relevant.
> What do other OpenFlow switches do?
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