On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 05:30:20PM +0000, Farhad Sunavala wrote:
> Hi,
> I am aware that the MAC address gets learnt only when the packet passes 
> through a flow with NORMAL action.This is fine and works for some cases. 
> However, it seems a little too restrictive.
> I am working on service function chaining and there are several network 
> functionsthat are implemented as bump-in-the-wire. E.g.
> SRC----SF1---DST
> If SF1 is a bump-in-the-wire service function, I need to disable learning on 
> the egress port of SF1 (towards DST).   This can easily be done by 
> actuallyspecifying the output port to point to DST.   
> But, a general hook which disables learning and allows the packet to flow 
> through "normal"action would be great.

Do you want to propose a mechanism?
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